Cosplay has always been an important part of Con on the Cob. We love the characters. We love the creativity. We love the ingenuity, the craftsmanship, the energy, and the performances. We also love other things about it but that's what comes to mind as I type this.
In an effort to step up our Cosplay game we are extremely jazzed to announce some great changes and additions to the annual Costume Contest and the Cosplay Programming Track in general.

The CotC Costume Contest is a prejudged event. This is an opportunity for contestants to let the judges know all about their costume, the work put into it, the inspiration behind it, or anything else special about it.
How to sign up for Prejudging:
- Sign up in person at Cosplay HQ at any time Cosplay HQ is open until 2pm on Saturday (see above)

- Prejudging is from 2pm-5:30pm on Saturday at Cosplay HQ
- All contestants over age 10 must check in at Cosplay HQ by 2pm on Saturday
- Contestants under age 10 will not be prejudged but must still register at Cosplay HQ by 5:30pm on Saturday.
- Contestants will be assigned a 5 minute time slot for prejudging (10 minutes for groups)
- If you are unable to attend any of the scheduled judging slots we will do our best to work with you to make it happen. Please speak with the staff at Cosplay HQ

In order to ensure a safe, fair, and exciting contest the following rules and policies are in place:
- All participants must possess a Con on the Cob 2022 convention badge
- Contestants over 10 years of age must be signed up and prejudged in order to compete
- NO SANDBAGGING -Contestants may not compete in a costume with which they have previously won a major award (First Place in the Category they are entering or Best in Show)
- See the Con on the Cob Rules & Policies page for general rules and policies

The cosplay showcase is Saturday starting at 6pm on the main stage. Strut your stuff, show off your costume, prance around like a dork, do a little dance, whatever... You’ll have a chance to tell the audience about your cosplay and may be asked a few questions by the Host.
Awards will be awarded at the end of the Costume Contest. The Corny Award for Best In Show will be presented at the Closing Ceremony.

Contestants are categorized according to their level of skill and experience. Each contestant chooses which skill category to enter, according to the standards described below, although judges reserve the right to adjust a contestants skill level if they feel the contestant is attempting to enter at a level below their actual skill.

All children of the Cob (ages 10 and under) are encouraged to participate in the costume contest, although they are exempt from prejudging and all kids who walk the stage will earn a prize. Also, on a semi-related note, the werm knows how to nab you a free badge.

If at least one of the following criteria are met you may enter in this category:
- You have never won first place in a convention costume contest
- You have entered three or fewer convention costume contests

You must enter in this category or higher if any of these items are be true:
- You have previously won an award in the Novice category at any convention
- You have entered more than three convention costume contests
- You have made at least ten costumes

If any of the following are accurate you must enter in this category:
- You have previously won an award in the Journeyman (or higher) category at any convention
- You have won a First Place or Best In Show award at Con on the Cob
- You have made more than 25 costumes
- You work or have worked in the cosplay or costume industry

- Each kid who participates in this category will nab a special prize

- Con on the Cob T-Shirt
- Certificate of Achievement
- 10 Coins on the Cob

- Con on the Cob T-Shirt
- Free 4 Day Badge for Con on the Con 2023
- Certificate of Achievement
- 20 Coins on the Cob

- Con on the Cob T-Shirt
- Free 4 Day Badge for Con on the Con 2023
- Certificate of Achievement
- $100 Cash

- Con on the Cob T-Shirt
- Free 4 Day Badge for Con on the Con 2023
- Certificate of Achievement
- A Coveted Corny Award

- Each judge will present an award based on criteria of their own conception...