Con on the Cob provides many opportunities for sponsorships and partnerships. We offer a range of options to suit your needs and we are extremely grateful for any and all contributions and support. We have several exciting sponsorship packages prepared, as well as a number of special Prestige Sponsorships available.
Also available (and included in many sponsorship packages) are ads and coupons in the Con on the Cob Onsite Program Book.

Your beneficence of $50 or more will be rewarded with:
- Your logo/name will be featured in a banner ad on the Cob website.
- Your logo/name will be included in the Con on the Cob program book.

Your donation of $100 or more will be rewarded with:
- Your logo/name will be featured in a banner ad on the Con on the Cob website.
- Your logo/name will be included in the Con on the Cob program book.
- Your will receive a quarter page sized ad (4.25″x2.25″) in the Con on the Cob program book.
- We will feature you or your company in a dedicated post on the Con on the Cob website.

Your pledge of $200 or more will be rewarded with:
- Your logo/name will be featured in a banner ad on the Con on the Cob website.
- Your logo/name will be included in the Con on the Cob program book.
- Your will receive a half page sized ad (5.5″x4.25″) in the Con on the Cob program book.
- We will feature you or your company in a dedicated post on the Con on the Cob website.
- Banner recognition at Con on the Cob.
- Recognition on all print ads and fliers produced after you sign up.

Your offering of $300 or more will be rewarded with:
- Your logo/name will be featured in a banner ad on the Con on the Cob website.
- Your logo/name will be included in the Con on the Cob program book.
- Your will receive a full page sized ad (5.5″x8.5″) in the Con on the Cob program book.
- We will feature you or your company in a dedicated post on the Con on the Cob website.
- Banner recognition at Con on the Cob.
- Recognition on all print ads and fliers produced after you sign up.
- Naming rights to one of Con on the Cob’s rooms or program tracks. Your name will be associated with the room or event on all official maps, website information, in the program book, and anywhere else it is mentioned (example: The Artitorium brought to you by Mutha Oith Creations or The Third Eye Games Hospitality Suite).

Your allowance of $500 or more will be rewarded with:
- Your logo/name will be featured in a banner ad on the Con on the Cob website.
- Your logo/name will be included in the Con on the Cob program book.
- Your will receive a full page sized ad (5.5″x8.5″) on the INSIDE FRONTCOVER, INSIDE BACK COVER, or OUTSIDE BACK COVER of the Con on the Cob program book.
- We will feature you or your company in a dedicated post on the Con on the Cob website.
- Banner recognition at Con on the Cob.
- Recognition on all print ads and fliers produced after you sign up.
- Naming rights to one of Con on the Cob’s rooms or program tracks. Your name will be associated with the room in event on all official maps, website information, in the program book, and anywhere else it is mentioned (example: The Artitorium brought to you by Mutha Oith Creations or The Skyline Chili Hospitality Suite).

These sponsorships can be added to any other pledge or can be acquired individually. They all include name/logo recognition in the program book and on the website.

- Your logo/name will be featured in a banner ad on the Con on the Cob website.
- Your logo/name will be included in the Con on the Cob program book.
- Your will receive a two-page sized ad (11″x8.5″) in the Con on the Cob program book.
- We will feature you or your company in a dedicated post on the Con on the Cob website.
- Banner recognition at Con on the Cob.
- Recognition on all print ads and fliers produced after you sign up
-Name/logo recognition in program book and on signs proclaiming “Program book provided by YOUR COMPANY”.
- One available.

- One of our special guests (artist, writer, game designer, performer, etc…) appears courtesy of you and will sit with you at the Friday Night Mexican Fiesta VIP Experience.
- Logo/name recognition in the program book and at the guest’s booth declare this fact.
- Includes one INCREDIBLE EXTREME SUPREME VIP MEGA DEAL convention badge ($200 value).
- 20 available.

You're such an amazingly awesome person that you just want to help us out with a $1000 donation to the Adopt-A-Geek Fund. This fund provides convention badges, hotel space, food, gas money, and other assistance to fellow geeks who wouldn't be able to make it to Con on the Cob without our help. Click here to learn more about the Adopt-A-Geek Fund or to make a donation of a different amount. Includes:
- Con on the Cob Super Ultra Mega Deal Badge
- Con on the Cob T-Shirt
- CotC Button
- CotC Sticker
- The satisfaction of knowing that your generosity has brought joy and happiness to others.

YOU ARE THE GAWD OF CON ON THE COB! Here's what that means:
- We will produce a miniature statue of you in your gawdly raiments and equipped to your specifications at Con on the Cob.
- This idol will be sold at Con on the Cob and you will receive 20 of them to satisfy your own unknowable desires.
- We will host a worship service in your honor Sunday morning at Con on the Cob with Andy presiding as High Priest.
- Andy will create an original color drawing of you as The Almighty Gawd of Con on the Cob and you give it to you to stash in your holy (or unholy; we don't judge) reliquary.
- A full page story in the onsite program book will be dedicated to espousing the Good Word of You, as will an article on the Con on the Cob website.

The Con on the Cob program book is a full-color book that lists all of our sponsors, vendors, guests, and entertainers. It includes a events and entertainment schedule, maps, and other information. Sponsors and vendors are encouraged to place ads or coupons in the book, at the following rates:
- $35: (2″x2.75″)
- $50: (4.25″x2.75″)
- $100: (5.5″x4.25″) or (8.5″x2.75″)
- $200: Full page ad or coupon (5.5″x8.5″)

If you would like to make other arrangements or wish to discuss sponsorships further, please email Andy.

Please visit our newest sponsor Viking Bags:

Viking Bags - Viking Bags AU - Viking Cycle - Elite Sports - Born Tough