Con on the Cob is all about the learning. With a whole host of demos, seminars, and workshops to choose from we have all your educational needs covered. If you are interested in hosting a discussion, seminar, workshop, demo, or anything else of that nature, please contact Kylan and we’ll set that baby up.
Here are a few terms we use around here to differentiate the various systems of discourse:
This is sort of an overarching word that describes all of the various things defined below.
A seminar usually involves one or more presenters speaking to an audience.
A roundtable is all about everybody having an equal say in the conversation. It can be about anything and involves peeps sitting in a circle and talking about whatever the Roundtable is about.
This is a hands-on activity wherein attendees get to build, craft, or create a thing along with the presenter. They sometimes have a fee associated in order to cover material costs.
An artist, crafter, game designer, or other creative peep shows those assembled how to do a thing.
These events are part of the Music & Entertainment track and include such things as the CotC Geeky Spelling Bee and the CotC Trivia Game Show presented by the Tangent Bound Network.
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