

Entertainment specifically tailored to young gamers ages 8 to 14.

The Kids Track is a setting where kids can game with other children. It features games and systems that appeal to a younger audience and are simple to learn and play. Players are encouraged to work cooperatively with each other and share their creativity.

At SCARAB, we not only delight in sharing our hobby with the next generation, but we believe that gaming can teach children important skills, from reading and math to social skills, cooperation, and problem solving.



For a full listing of Kids Events please see the Events Page and Filter By Kids Track.

Book of the Year RPG Literacy and a love of reading is one of the best gifts we can give our kids. Every year SCARAB Kids Track selects a popular children's' fiction or young adult novel to base an RPG on.
This Years book TBA.

Play Games! Earn Tickets! Win Prizes! for full details see our Prize Page.

The Kids Track is NOT a babysitting service, or a substitute for appropriate adult supervision. We are not responsible for supervising child attendees.

The SCARAB staff views the safety of our young guests as a top priority. Kids Track events will be located in the back of Salon A in the Medallion Center. Parents can check up on their children as much as they need to.

If you have any questions about the Kids Track, are interested in running games, or helping with other programming contact the SCARAB Kids Track Coordinator at KidsTrack

SCARAB is always on the lookout for volunteers to run games for our Kids Track! All types of games are welcome! RPGs, board/card games, miniatures or other events.

We especially want to encourage our younger players to run games for their peers. The SCARAB staff is happy to give any kid GM any support they need.

We ask that all Kids Track GMs:

If you would like to host a game for the Kids track fill out the submission form at the top of the page under Host.