All game event submissions are subject to approval. For full details of the Perks of Gming for SCARAB see our Perks Page.

When submitting a game be prepared for the following fields. Each track may have its own requirements.



If you are under the age of 14 please email the Kids Track Coordinator at KidsTrack before submitting your event through TableTop.Events.

Special Field requirements:



Be prepared to include:

Organized Play

Please do not submit Organized play games for D&D, PFS/SFS, and SRM via the Host submissions form. Each Game has its own point of contact to insure the right mix of scenarios. If you do not know the point of contact please email catwrangler

All other Organized play games should be submitted using the RPG event type. Please put Orginized Play as the first words of your description of the game.

Special Events TBA

Board Games TBA

Minatures TBA