Summer Knights Online Charity Con

Outbreak: Undead 2e - A Celebration of Consciousness

It’s been hard living, since the dead returned. Nobody knows why, but since that day 10 years ago, nothing was ever the same. Having worked hard to carve a place of their own here, and maintain it for the last 3 years, the 25 or so people in this village are preparing to have their annual “Celebration of Consciousness”.

Outbreak: Undead 2e is a Zombie Horror Survival Simulation TTRPG.

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RPG-02 in Indie and Other RPGs
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It’s been hard living, since the dead returned. Nobody knows why, but since that day 10 years ago, nothing was ever the same.

Thankfully a good number of settlements have sprung up since Z-Day, large and small. Our survivors find themselves in one of the smaller settlements. Having worked hard to carve a place of their own here, and maintain it for the last 3 years, the 25 or so people in this village are preparing to have their annual “Celebration of Consciousness”.

These thankful people gather together in their shared living spaces to share hushed stories of better times before the rebirth of the world into what it is now and share precious scavenged supplies of that before-world.

As the day approaches, shifts are leaving to search the nearby area for goodies to bolster the celebrations. Our little family is getting ready to leave for their last trip before the holiday arrives, and are getting a bit desperate.

Outbreak Undead 2nd Edition is a Zombie Horror Survival Simulation TTRPG

As such it can get gruesome and brutal at times. That being the case I like to implement as many safety devices as needed, but generally start with Lines and Veils and the X-Card.

Lines are hard boundaries that exclude specified content from the game, no questions asked. Veils are softer limits where the player is okay with the content being included in the game, but it’s not explicitly described.

Before play, I will spend a bit of time talking to the players more about these safety tools and get a feel for how the players want to utilize them.