
Volunteers Call OUT

Get a FREE PLAYER BADGE AS THANKS (yes you can give to a friend in need)!

Hey Folks we need some help in the following areas:

DISCORD TECH TEAM: Help setting up the server, add useful bots and assist people with any problems, meet and greet new folks, maybe do some friendly CHATS. I admit I'm not on Discord enough so could really use a hand from folks who are on Discord consistently please.

PANEL FACILITATORS: We have several creators like Malcolm Sheppard from Green Ronin doing panels and we need folks to help have conversations with them.

SOCIAL HOSTS: Really folks just willing to hang out on the Discord General Chats before and during the Con to meet, greet, and host social chats, including video chats. This could extend out to ZOOM chats if folks like that platform.

PROMOTION: We all have social media accounts so a team that spreads the word on every platform and keeps it alive, especially when PLAYER BADGES go on sale. We really want every Game Master to have a full game with eager players.

BOARD GAME TEAM: We're new to online Board Games so having experienced folks would help our learning curve a lot!

ANY area we missed please email us at or join the FACEBOOK GROUP and post there Redirecting...

And if you don't mind being a TEAM LEAD let us know or if you want to be a** Team Player** that's great as well.
