Midwinter Gaming Convention 2023

We're working to make Midwinter Gaming Convention an event with an eye on sustainability and implementing ways to reduce waste and give back at the same time.

Badges/Wristbands - As we continue our efforts to become more sustainable, we will be eliminating lanyards and badges (for the most part) for 2023.

Staff and VIPs will still have traditional badges, and all others will have Tyvek wristbands. After a lot of research, this is our best option. Tyvek is 100% recyclable, and if it accidentally ends up in traditional trash it will not leach harmful chemicals into the ground, nor will it emit harmful gasses if incinerated.

Tyvek is waterproof, so multi-day guests may use one band for the full show, and even if they want a fresh band (handing in the previous band of course) they will still consume less than a traditional badge and lanyard.

VIP Badges are already on hand or they would follow suit. Staff Badges will remain traditional going forward as it helps quickly identify the Team to our Guests, and we are able to reuse them multiple times. Don't worry, we'll make sure your wristbands are snazzy looking and a compliment to your gaming ensemble, and we'll have collection bins in various locations on site for you to recycle at the end of your gaming adventures!

Badge/Wristband Pickup - As in previous years, your Midwinter Badges/Wristbands will be available for pick up at Convention Registration on the 5th Floor of the Hilton beginning at 8:30am Thursday, January 12th.

By not mailing your badges we reduce our paper use, and avoid additional carbon emissions created by transportation.

PROGRAMS - No matter how many or few copies of the program we order, they seem to reproduce on their own and we sadly trudge the leftover boxes to recycling each year. While we can't eliminate all paper use yet, we can work to reduce how much we use.

As a first step Midwinter will no longer print an on-site program for the show. Digital schedules will be available on our website, and we will provide a reference copy of the event schedule in several high traffic areas throughout the convention space. Staff will be happy to assit you in locating events as well!

SINGLE USE PLASTICS - This one is a bit more tough, all things considered over the past few years. Our Stadium Cup is supposed to help eliminate single use plastic cups, but for health reasons concessions is not able to fill them directly. We also have a small number of branded plastic shopping bags in our inventory, and will use them until they are gone. No further orders will be placed for plastic bags.

LOCAL SOURCES - Shopping locally has a myriad of benefits for the environment as well as the economy. Midwinter has always purchased local "whenever possible", but we are committed to redoubling our efforts to source local in every circumstance unless we are absolutely unable to find a provider for the service we need. On-site event supplies and printing are two of our biggest opportunities where we can make a difference by switching to local vendors instead of what appears most convenient.
