Dragonsteel Nexus 2024

Craft Kit Assembly Instructions

Click on corresponding image of the craft kit you want to assemble!

Roshar In a Jar

Roshar In a Jar

Chiri-Chiri Crochet

Chiri-Chiri Crochet

Soulcaster Jewelry

Soulcaster Jewelry

Rysn's Grass in a Pot Trinket

Rysn's Grass in a Pot Trinket

Felted Pocket Spren

Felted pocket spren are each custom, individual creations. No two will be exactly alike. For general wool felting instructions, our crafting team would direct you to this video to start.

No matter what kit you have bought, the basics are the same. All spren are as unique as the knight they have bonded.

The Basics:

This applies to all spren types: in wool felting, everything is made out of simple shapes. A cloud is a cluster of cylinders, a highspren is cylinders stacked on top of each other, while a cultivation spren could be a cylinder with pinched squares around it.


Take a length of wool, tuck in the ends of one side and roll into a ball like shape. It should look like a dinner roll or a dumpling. Start stabbing the wool in a straight line going around the circumference of the wool “dinner roll”. The key is to keep the wool moving! If you stop moving the wool, while stabbing, a flat side will form. The more you stab the tighter and firmer the cylinder will become.

Squares & Rectangles

Take a length of wool, tuck in the ends of one side and roll into a ball like shape. It should look like a dinner roll or a dumpling. Start stabbing the wool in straight lines, making sure to turn the wool every so often to help form the flat sides.

Lines for Detailing

(This is helpful when adding fine details like veins on leafs)

Take a length of wool and on one end of the wool twist it in between your fingers while gently pulling the other end of the fibers. This is how yard is traditionally made and essentially you are doing the same thing. To attach the fine strands onto your project, repeatedly stab through the center of the strand.

Let’s Make A Spren

Now the fun begins! Think about what type of spren you would like to make. Cultivation spren might look more leafy with some vines. A highspren might look like a little piece of outer space wearing a military uniform. While Storm Father might look like a grumpy cloud who just needs a hug.

I prefer to start with the face. This way I get a sense of the spren’s personality. Think about what makes a muppet cute. Big noses, bushie eyebrows, and mustaches will help make your spren adorable. Let your creativity flow.

Once you feel satisfied with the face, think about its body. Does it have a body? Is your cultivation spren a vine with a face, or is your spren a little person? Think about the simple shapes and go from there. As you work on your spren enjoy the process and remember, Journey before Destination!