NEA Game Fest 2019



This is a family friendly event. All children 10 and older must have a valid NEA Game Fest badge. Children 15 and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

NEA Game Fest is not responsible for any lost or stolen property.

No harassment will be tolerated. Any attendees who are being belligerent, disruptive or vulgar will be required to leave. If you are being harassed, please let one of the NEA Game Fest staff know so that we can handle it.

No smoking in the convention center, at the entrances or near any outside areas meant for eating or outside games.

While we encourage attendees to eat at some of the local establishments, we ask them to limit the amount of outside food they bring into the convention center. No outside coolers will be allowed in the convention center.

Those with special needs may contact us so that we can do our best to accommodate them.

Cosplay is welcome. Keep in mind that this is a family friendly event and you must be appropriately covered. All weapons must be distinguishable from real weapons. If your costume does not conform to these guidelines you will be asked to cover up or change.

Attendees are to respect the facility, as well as all items provided for the convention. All trash should be disposed of and tables should be left clear for future games. Hands should be clean when handling game components.

Badges will be given out upon arrival and should be worn at all times. They are required to check out games and win any prizes at the event. You may not lend/share your badge.