Volunteer at GOBfest!
GOBfest is a non-profit event and would be impossible without volunteers! We can always use more hands on deck. As a volunteer, your benefits include free registration, camaraderie, a volunteer appreciation party, and, of course, massive street cred!
Available volunteer tasks include:
- set up and tear down
- running GOBfest hosted games and tournaments (setting up games, explaining rules, and answering questions)
- staffing the registration desk, concession area, or gaming library
- assisting with the auction and/or flea market
- and more!
Please note that all volunteers must work during two time slots (minimum), which may include setup and/or take down. They are free to participate in any events of their choice during the rest of the time. Additionally, volunteers must attend one of our mandatory volunteer training sessions (dates TBD).
Use discount code VOLUNTEER to apply a $2 discount to the volunteer badge.
(Scroll to the bottom, select the “Volunteer” badge- it’s free! - and check out).
How to sign up for your volunteer shifts
1. Apply for a shift:
- Under the Volunteer menu, click on Available Shifts.
- Look through the list of shifts, and find which ones you are interested in taking.
- At the bottom of the Available Shifts page, click the Apply to Volunteer button.
- Fill out the form with your full name and contact information, then click Start Application.
- Review everything on the form is correct, then click Choose My Shifts.
- You will now see the list of available shifts again. Find the ones you were interested in, and then click the Volunteer button beside them.
- Once you have applied for the shifts you want, press the Submit My Application button.
- NOTE: Due to a quirk in the system, if you want to run a GOBfest Hosted Game, the time in the details of the shift won’t be accurate; please ignore it and refer to the time in the shift name. Once approved, we will add you as a host to that game and it will show up as such in your schedule.
2. Wait for your confirmation email:
- You will receive an email from the system once you have been approved for a shift.
- We will be reviewing and approving applications regularly, and most shifts will be first come first serve.
- Some shifts may have more applicants than available spaces, so it’s possible you won’t be able to get your first choice of shifts.
- Volunteers are required to work a minimum of 2 shifts. If you would like to work a 3rd shift, please let us know :)
3. View your Shifts:
- Under the Volunteer menu, click on My Shifts.
- This page will show you the shifts you have applied to, and their status.
4. Change your Requested Shifts
- Under the Volunteer menu, click on My Shifts.
- Click on Edit My Application
- Click on Choose My Shifts
- Find any of the shifts you applied to that you are no longer interested/able to do, and then click on the Unvolunteer button on the right side of the table.
- Click Submit My Application
If you have any questions at all, or this is not working for you, please contact gobfest.edmonton@gmail.com and we will help you out!