We are expecting around 60 play-to-win games at Gamicon 2022. If you are a publisher who would like to have a game offered as play-to-win, please email gamelibrary@mindbridge.org.
Games will be available for checkout through the game library, and will need to either go through a sanitization process or sit for 30 minutes between checkouts.
Only one game per group at a time please.
Drawing forms will be available at the game library checkout table.
All fields on the form must be filled out completely to be accepted.
Winners will be drawn for All games with 3 or more checkouts on Saturday after hours and will be available for pickup on Sunday morning.
All games will 0, 1, or 2 checkouts will be available for play on Sunday until noon, and will be drawn and posted for pickup.
Groups found to be "hoarding" games or checking out multiple games will be given a warning. If a second infraction occurs, all parties will be taken out of the drawing for all games.