Welcome to BGG.CON!!! We're glad you're here. Whether this is your first time or your an "Every Timer", we have some tips and tricks to share that should help you to navigate the convention and assist with general information for this convention.
Many thanks to all our past BGG.CON Attendees for these general tips and tricks. Many more can be found in the BGG.CON Forums.
Planning Your Trip
What to Bring?
- Clothing - Pack enough clothes (especially shirts) so that you can freshen up.
- Games - If you aren’t a picky player, you don’t have to bring any. Check the BGG Library collection for your planning purposes.
- Money - Food, Exhibit Hall, Board Game Bazaar, Virtual Flea Market, Charity Auction; the Hotel is cashless, so make sure you have a credit/debit card handy
- Electronic Devices - Keep them handy for notices of Daily Prize Drawings and other Announcements
Where Do I Stay?
- Hyatt Regency Dallas
- 300 Reunion Blvd
- Dallas, TX 75207, USA
See this page for all information related to this Hotel.
Transportation and Parking
- From DFW Airport to Hotel - Call the hotel to see if they have a shuttle available or get an Uber/Lyft
- From Love Field Airport to Hotel - Get an Uber/Lyft or try DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) bus/train line.
- Union Station is a major transportation hub for buses and trains and is connected to the hotel via an underground tunnel.
- Hotel Parking Information
Pre- Post- Con Gaming
- Tuesday - If you want to get in some early gaming, we'll have a space set aside, but you won't get your badge until Wednesday.
- Wednesday - Badge pickup begins around 9am, but you are welcome to arrive at any time after that to get your badge.
- Sunday - This is the last day of BGG.CON. Watch the hotel checkout time. The Library closes at 1pm and the convention will officially end at 3pm. There may be residual gaming space designated for individuals who cannot depart until later in the evening.
Specific locations for the above will be shared via News Updates
Getting Into a Game
The focus of BGG.CON is open gaming, so you may need to step out of your comfort zone to meet new friends, but games are a common denominator, and with so many attendees, there are lots of options.
- Participate in Meetups - The Orphans and First Timers Meetup is a good way to get information and to meet other First Timers who might be looking for a gaming friend. There will also be a Wargamers Meetup if that strikes your fancy. Other Meetups can be found on the Event Schedule.
- Go to the library - Someone might be looking to play the same game you are looking at.
- Set up a Game - Sit at a table with a Players Wanted/Teachers Needed sign while you read the rules. Welcome/Ask anyone who stops by.
- Schedule a Game ahead of Time - If there is a game you really want to play, become the host and schedule a time. We'll open up Event Submissions in mid-July.
- Walk the Tables - Find a Players Wanted/Teacher Needed sign and ask to play or volunteer to teach.
Things to DO/DON'T DO
- DO - Be Kind - See Code of Conduct
- DO – Play games from “Off List” - You might find a gem among games you've never heard of before.
- DO – Teach somebody the rules to a game - This pays it forward.
- DO – Get enough sleep
- DO – Eat out with strangers
- DO - Play games with strangers
- DO – Play games more than once and play oldies but goodies
- DO – Explore the convention spaces
- DO – Say thanks to the staff
- DO - Fight the Con Crud, Observe Cleanliness - See Health & Safety Guidelines for further information
- DON’T – Learn a game at the table unless all players have agreed to this and are willing to stick through it.
- DON’T – Take the games too seriously
- DON’T – Keep games checked out of the library when you aren’t playing them (Library Information)