BGG.CON 2025

Any information regarding Hotel Blocks can be found here:

Convention Hotel

Contracted rate - $145/night plus taxes and fees (~15%)

[Attendee Reservation Link](Link TBD) - Hotel Reservation link to be sent to badge holders via confirmation email or news update.

Exhibitors please use the link in your badge email or news update.


Parking available at a reduced parking rate for the duration of the convention and all of it is within walking distance of the hotel. However, we cannot guarantee availability and strongly encourage carpooling, ride share options or public transportation.

Parking Rates:

See the Parking Map below for locations of the 3 Parking lots:


Note that further down the street from B-Lot is "E-Lot" which may be used for overflow parking but is not controlled by the hotel and thus not subject to our negotiated lower rates. Hotel Security is available to escort anyone returning to E Lot late at night.

Hotel guests who do self-park will need to let the Front Desk know when they check-in so their guest room key cards will allow for the in/out access at both lots. The parking rate for hotel guests will be $5 per day.

For daily drive-ins, the pay stations will be set at the discounted rate of $5 per in/out. Should guests leave during the day and return, they will need to pay again and we cannot guarantee their spot will be available upon return.

Valet charges are at the hotel’s standard prevailing rates.

If there are questions about the rates charged for parking during your attendance, please contact the hotel front desk or the parking window.

Other Transportation options

The hotel is connected to Union Station via underground tunnel, easy walking distance. If a door is locked, there should be a bell to ring that will alert someone to open it.

HOTEL Amenities

WiFi Access

The Hyatt Regency Dallas provides complimentary WIFI available in the guest rooms and "public areas" (lobby, cafe, etc.). This does not include the meeting spaces, such as ballrooms, breakout rooms, exhibit hall, and library. We have negotiated an access code for all attendees to include WiFi in the meeting areas but bandwidth is limited - please only use it for checking email, social media, etc. - no streaming... (this is the plan, but not confirmed yet)

Shipping Personal Items

FedEx operates the hotel Business Services Center located on the convention level and receives all shipping to the hotel. More information on their hours of operation can be found HERE.

BGG Events has also negotiated the following discounted pricing for use of in-house FedEx service:

Exhibitors with a booth may contact FedEx for quotes on inbound/outbound material handling.

Hotel Dining

Food concessions will be provided downstairs in the convention area. The hotel is a cashless environment. Plan to use a credit card for purchases in this area and the various hotel restaurants.

For other food options and restaurants within the hotel, see this link

Hotel Policies

Please Review the Hyatt Regency Dallas' Policies

Roommate Requests

See here to find or post to find a roommate: [BGG.CON 2025 Looking for a Roommate Thread](Link TBD)

Hotel Room Transfer

If your plans change and you want to transfer your room to another attendee: [BGG.CON 2025 Official Hyatt Regency Dallas Room Reservation Transfer List](Link TBD)

Overflow Hotel Blocks

If necessary, we will arrange for an overflow block at a nearby hotel. We will post here and via a news update if that happens.