You can find the BGG Library Collection HERE.
To search the list, type in the name of the game in the search bar.
If you do not see the game you are requesting, it may be for one of the following reasons:
Day | Open | Close |
Wednesday | 9am | Midnight |
Thursday | 8am | Midnight |
Friday | 8am | Midnight |
Saturday | 8am | Midnight |
Sunday | 8am | 1PM |
If you finish playing a game after the library closes Wed-Sat, we have arranged for overnight dropoff of games at the hotel front desk.
To borrow items from the BGG Library, you MUST have your badge and wristband visible.
ONLY 1 base game + expansion(s) may be checked out at a time. (You may also borrow dice, clear plexiglass sheets, and other accessories, if available.)
Return all games in a TIMELY manner.
Please take care of the games and return them in better condition than you found them.
After game check-in, please return the game to the appropriate shelf unit. The barcode will designate the location for replacement.
Your Library Card is your badge. You cannot checkout a game without it.
Games checked out to you are your responsibility and we will come find YOU (not your friend that you asked to return it for you) if a game is not returned in a timely manner.