Remember, If you see something, say something.
Attendees violating any of these policies may face sanctions up to and including expulsion from the convention without a refund, and/or being banned from future Winona Con events. Violations of these policies may be reported to any Volunteer or Staff member.
Winona Con expects guests to be respectful and courteous to one another. Attendee should avoid behavior that endangers the health or well-being of others, their property, or the relationship of Winona Con to its host site. Please remember that you are in a public space, and you should treat con personnel, fellow attendees, and bystanders, and their belongings, as well as the facility and its staff, with respect. The following behaviors constitute grounds for expulsion from the convention without a refund:
Further, attendees, volunteers, and exhibitors are expected to adhere to the following:
Convention name badges must be worn at all times. Failure to wear your name badge can cause you to be removed from the convention. Keeping your badge is your responsibility, and replacement badges can only be issued at full cost for admission.
Winona Con maintains a real name policy for badges. This is not necessarily your legal name, but it should be the one you use with coworkers, friends, etc.
Note: Winona Con Staff reserves the right to disallow any names on badges that they feel are inappropriate or fail to meet these guidelines.
Winona Con is intended to bring gamers of all ages together. We encourage parents to bring their children and game together. The following policies are intended to ensure the safety of any children or minors that attend the show. Neither Winona Con, nor any Winona Con volunteer, gamemaster, staff member, or attendee other than the parent or guardian is responsible for children who attend. Parents who separate themselves from their children at the con do so at their own risk. Failure to follow any of these policies may result in both the child and parent/guardian having their pass revoked without refund.
Ages 10 and Under
Children 10 and under will receive a complementary admission with the purchase of a regular Winona Con Badge for an accompanying adult (weekend pass or one-day). These children must be accompanied by an adult all times and need gamemaster permission to attend any event. Guardians must discuss participation with the gamemaster prior to or at the start of the event.
Ages 11-13
Youth ages 11-13 must have a regular Winona Con Badge purchased for them or have an add-on badge purchased with an adult badge. Emergency contact information should be provided on the back of the badge. A parent/guardian must remain on-site at all times.
Ages 14-17
Youth 14-17 must purchase a regular Winona Con Badge or have an add-on badge purchased with an adult badge. A parent/guardian must either be (i) on-site or (ii) reachable by phone and able to come to the convention center within 30 minutes of being contacted. Emergency contact information must be provided on the back of the pass. Staff may suspend or eliminate the right of a minor 14-17 to attend the con outside the immediate vicinity of the minor’s parent or guardian if the minor is disruptive or for other reasons as determined by the conference organizers.
Sunday Family Pass
Sunday at Winona Con is geared towards families and new gamers. As such, we offer a special family pass (one pass per family) and a range of different kid-friendly events focused on families and promoting gaming. More information can be found on the Family Day Page.
HARASSMENT OF ANY SORT IS NEITHER ACCEPTED NOR TOLERATED. This includes but is not limited to harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, or game preference. It also includes displaying sexual images, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography, disruption of events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Anyone asked to cease harassing behavior is expected to do so immediately. Warnings for harassing activities are not guaranteed, and anyone conducting harassing activity may be ejected from the convention without a refund at the discretion of the convention staff.
If you are being harassed, see someone else being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact any convention staff member to help resolve the issue and provide resolution to the harassment.
This harassment policy also extends into the games that are being played. Harassment of another player is not excused because such action is "in character" or because it is part of the confines of the game rather than directly to another person. Harassing behavior in "real life" is also forbidden between player characters in game.
We endeavor to make sure all of our its events such as Winona Con are an inclusive and safe space for all. If you have any concerns about an event, the behavior of staff, volunteers, or any other issues please let us know using this anonymous reporting form. All responses are recorded anonymously and only shared with needed parties.
Respecting the privacy of our guests, staff, volunteers, and of SML Fun, Inc. itself is a basic value of our organization. Personal and financial information is confidential and should not be disclosed or discussed with anyone without permission or authorization. Care shall also be taken to ensure that unauthorized individuals do not overhear any discussion of confidential information and that documents containing confidential information are not left in the open or inadvertently shared.
Volunteers and board members of SML Fun, Inc. may be exposed to information which is confidential and/or privileged and proprietary in nature. It is the policy of SML Fun, Inc. that such information must be kept confidential both during and after volunteer service. Staff and volunteers, including board members, are expected to return materials containing privileged or confidential information at the end of their service. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential or privileged information is a serious violation of this policy and anyone who made the unauthorized disclosure will be subject to appropriate discipline, including removal/dismissal.
Weapons and items that appear to be weapons are not allowed. Self defense, recreational and utility items such as knifes, tazers, pepper spray, BB guns, cap guns, air-soft weapons, paintball guns, water guns, martial arts weaponry, including wooden practice weapons, etc, are not welcome, even if it is lawful to own and carry them in other public places. Off duty security, law-enforcement and military personnel are not allowed to bring their weapons. Items resembling futuristic weapons, fantasy weapons and non-projectile boffer weapons may be allowed provided they are not handled in a careless, threatening or destructive manner against persons or property. Staff reserve the right to make a judgment call and to ask you to remove an item from the premises if it is deemed inappropriate. If you refuse to remove it, you will be asked to leave without refund.
Costumes and Cosplay are welcome. We ask that you follow a few simple rules:
If staff deem a costume to be inappropriate, you will be asked to change your clothes. If you refuse to change, you will be asked to leave without refund.
Attendance at Winona Con events and related activities constitutes an agreement by the attendee to SML Fun, Inc. unlimited and permanent use and distribution of the attendee’s image in various media to promote the organization, its activities, and events.