Winona Con 2025

Last Updated: 02/18/2028

If you are planning to attend Winona Con here are some helpful tips that can help you get the most out of the convention.

Badge Requirements

A valid badge must be worn at all times during the convention. Badges purchased online will be available for pickup at the Registration Desk during the convention. Purchasing a badge online will give you access to reserve a space at scheduled events. A limited number of badges will be available on site.

Your badge must be displayed on your person using either a lanyard or clip, both available at the registration desk.

Hours of Operation:

Playing Games

Scheduled Sessions

Many of the games that will be available during the convention are scheduled in advance. Anyone can apply to host a game and we will try to schedule every game. To see a list of scheduled games, visit our events calendar.

Open Gaming

We will have a limited number of unscheduled tables available on a first come, first serve basis for you to host or join a game on the fly. We will have table flags available to let others know there is an unscheduled game occurring. Please limit any open gaming to two hours. If your game needs more time, please see someone at the Registration Desk.

Hosting a Game

One of the best ways to get the most out of the convention is to host a game and allow others to sign up for your session. You can host as many games as you like (one at a time) and it can be any type of game you enjoy. Please go to our online event submission form to submit your events.


There is plenty of parking around the venue, however, please respect other businesses in the area. We ask you to not park in the Target parking lot behind the venue. There is a lot to the East of the venue (your right when looking at the entrance) that is safe to use.

Visit Winona

Winona offers a lot of fun things to do and see while you are here. For more information about things to do, check out Visit Winona.