The PeliCON Game Convention 2025

Play-to-Win Policies

The basics:

Participation – To participate in Play-to-Win you must have a valid PeliCON badge. To be entered, a badge holder will check-out a game from the Play-to-Win library and upon check-in provide the badge number of every badge holder who played it with them. You are limited to one entry per Play-to-Win game in the event. Participants found, in the opinion of PeliCON organizers or Volunteers, to be abusing the system by actions including but not limited to checking out and returning games without actually playing them or holding onto games to prevent others from checking them out (i.e. camping games), may be disqualified from all Play-to-Win drawings with or without a warning. We want everyone to have a chance to play as many of the Play-to-Win games as they want so that everyone has a fair shake at winning! Check out the FAQ, below, for more information.

Results – Participants are limited to winning one game per badge. Games will be assigned winners in order of value and/or "hotness" from highest to lowest as determined by PeliCON organizers or Volunteers. All Play-to-Win results will be announced early Sunday afternoon. If you are unable to be present Sunday afternoon to collect your game a person with your badge may collect it for you. Any unclaimed games at the end of the convention will be redistributed at PeliCON organizers’ discretion.

Play-to-Win events are sponsored by publishers who donate games for you to learn, play and have a chance to win!

Everyone who plays a Play-to-Win game can choose to be entered into a drawing to have a chance to win each game they played. You can play any copy of the game from the Play-to-Win checkout during the convention and be entered to win.

Play-to-Win game checkout will end at noon on Sunday to allow time to organize the drawing and to give players one final chance to play the games before the results drawings. Results will be announced starting at 2:00pm Sunday.


Play-to-Win Drawing

Play-to-Win FAQ

How does it work?

Any convention attendee can check out a Play-to-Win game for themselves or their group. Simply check the game out, play the game, and then return the game. Each checkout allows each person who played the game to receive one entry to win the game at the end of the convention. If you are playing without a group and need players put out the PLAYERS WANTED placard to attract other gamers or Volunteer staff. Have fun!

Where do the games come from?

All Play-to-Win games are graciously donated by the individual game publishers through the Double Exposure, Inc. Envoy program. We are proud to represent these fantastic publishers and titles through our convention's Play-to-Win offering and hope you get to try something new through this program!

How do I enter?

When you check the game back in after play you will provide your name, badge number and phone number on an entry card and hand that to the library attendant. All done! Now you're entered for a chance to win that game!

What if I need additional players?

We want everyone to have fun and play new games that they might be itching to try! If you need players please utilize a PLAYERS WANTED placard to signal your need for additional bodies. If all else fails, ask the Volunteers to sit in and play!

Do I have to "win" the game to be entered into the drawing?

Nope! Just play the game and you're good to go. Just make sure you fill out the entry card for the title you played!

How many times can I enter?

You can check out and play as many Play-to-Win games as you like but you only get one entry per checkout. Multiple checkouts do not increase your chance to win. Please do not check out games to limit other players' access. The goal is to let as many people as possible play the games and have an opportunity to win, so back-to-back checkouts or hoarding/camping of Play-to-Win games will not be allowed.

What about a game like Sushi Go! where you play a dozen times on one checkout?

We assume that all groups will play short games a similar number of times and so everyone will get one entry per checkout. In cases like this, please keep the game for a reasonable amount of time and then check it back in so others have an opportunity to play it as well.

How long can my group keep a checked out game?

We would request not keeping games out of circulation for more time than necessary to play a "learning" game. For more complicated games this will obviously vary dependent on the type and experience of the players. Our Volunteers will be monitoring the Play-to-Win checkouts to ensure everyone has a fair chance to play all games and will use their best judgement on those that appear to be camping a game. If you check out a game for more than four hours (or longer, if warranted, for complex games) you may be ineligible to win the game as part of this program (per PeliCON organizer or Volunteer discretion).

Can I immediately check a game back out?

No, the game must go back into circulation to let everyone have an opportunity to play. We want as many groups as possible to have the chance to play the most popular games.

Can my group check out a stack of games and then play them all back-to-back and check them in at once?

Please do not do this. This is game hoarding/camping and we want all games to remain actively in play as much as possible. We may also not allow entries for groups that check out games for significantly longer than it should take to play a learning game. If you plan to hold onto a game for a long time, please utilize our Convention Library instead of Play-to-Win.

Can I play my personal copy of a game and get an entry into Play to Win? What about the Convention Library copy?

We will not allow personal copies to generate Play-to-Win entries. Convention game library copies of Play-to-Win games do not generate Play-to-Win entries.

How many Play-to-Win games can a person win?

Each badged individual can win one game from Play-to-Win. We want to spread the love and let everyone have a chance at a new game!

What if my name is drawn for multiple games?

Each Play-to-Win game will have a random winner chosen. Once chosen, an individual winner will be ineligible for further prizes from Play-to-Win.

When are Play-to-Win games given away?

Play-to-Win games will be given away on Sunday. The last Play-to-Win game checkout will be at noon; last check in for entry into the drawings will be at 1:45pm; Play-to-Win prize drawings will begin at 2:00pm.

What if I can’t be there on Sunday?

You can give your badge to a friend and they can pick up your game for you. You don’t have to be present to pick up the game, but your badge does.

What about games that are unclaimed?

We will make every effort to give all winners a chance to pick up their games. To keep the drawings moving efficiently we will allow a short window after announcing a winner for them to collect their game. If the winner does not present immediately we will call the phone number provided on the entry to alert the attendee of the win. If there is not response or the winner (or their surrogate with their badge) does not claim immediately a new winner will be chosen from the entries. NO EXCEPTIONS. We don't want to bog down everyone's last day waiting on a no-show to collect a prize.