Hollerween - SWOE

Hollerween - SWOE

Halloween Weekend 2020 (Wed Oct 28 - Sun Nov 1) is now officially named:


The Savage Worlds Official Events Discord server will be our main hangout during Hollerween, so join up now so you're ready for gaming, announcements, and chat.

Hollerween is an online celebration of all things Savage Worlds with a special preview of PEG's next setting coming to Kickstarter following in the bloody footsteps of the horror settings Savage Worlds does so well.

Come celebrate Pinnacle Entertainment Group's all new world book Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse with a weekend of online games, interactive seminars and friends of Savage Worlds streaming actual play games, podcasts, and improv events.

  • Get your questions about Holler and the upcoming Kickstarter answered from setting creator Tim Earley

  • Quiz PEG staff about all the other games they have in the pipeline and their plans for 2021. Our Q&A at ReaperCon was so packed it broke their server!

  • Play in online games of Holler, Deadlands, RIFTS and more.

Hollerween will be PEG's first in-house online convention, kicking off the new Savage Worlds Official Events program where players and game masters can earn recognition for running and playing in PEG supported games online (for now) and at in-person conventions (returning to a safer world soon).


Please review our Rules, Player Expectations, and GM Expectations.



Badges Closed Tickets Closed

Merch Sales



{{day.properties.public_start_date | amDateFormat:'ddd, MMM D YYYY, h:mma'}} - {{day.properties.public_end_date | amDateFormat:'h:mma'}}

Time zone: America/Denver (UTC {{ '2020-10-29 00:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Denver' }})


Longmont, Colorado


Savage Worlds Official Events (SWOE)

940 Tate Blvd SE, Hickory, NC 28602, USA

Time zone: America/Denver (UTC {{ '2020-10-29 00:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Denver' }})

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SWOE Studio