AS of Oct 5, we've SOLD OUT all PLAYER Badges!!
Refund Deadline is Wednesday, October 16th 2019 at 11:45 PM.
Day Badges may be sold AT THE DOOR of the Con IF availability of seats permits. No guarantee of two games, $15 CAD Cash. We will post here and on social media on the eve of Oct 18 what seats we will have available for Day Badges.
Game Seats Available at the DOOR for $15 CAD, cash only come early (10:30AM, OCT 20), to make sure you sign up for the game you want!
Badge Holders will each get a THANK YOU gift of a set of dice from Jenesis Dice thanks to Grym Forge & RPGA-CON!
By participating in this convention you give the RPG Alliance Convention permission to take photos and videos of you for promotional and social media purposes.
Player Badge holders please GET YOUR tickets to the Events/Game you want to play in by Oct 18 NOON.
After that date, the remaining vacancies will be opened up to folks who want to buy a Badge at the Door on the Day of the Con, Oct 20. These DOOR Badges are limited to availability and do not guarantee two games, they are $15 CAD, cash at the door.
1) Go to the Events Schedule Page Schedule of Events
2) Scroll through the 30 games , click on their NAME to see their short description, click on READ MORE for their long description (if there is one).
3) Once you find a game to play, CLICK on GET to reserve your ticket for it. Tickets don't cost anything, its just a way to reserve seats.
If you don't reserve/GET your tickets we cannot guarantee you will get to play the game you want.
A Role Playing Game Convention, Sunday, October 20, 2019, Calgary, Canada. It is a +18 years old convention as the venue is a Pub and alcohol is being served.
Venue: Dickens Pub, 1000 9 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2Y6.
Beer Sponsor: Zero Issue Brewery
This is a One day role playing game convention where the Game Masters who volunteer submit the game they want to run in either our Morning program (10:30 AM to 3:30 PM), or our Afternoon program (3:30 PM to 8:30 PM). Each program is scheduled for games up to 4 hours in length with intermissions, giving Players potentially TWO games to play during the entire Sunday event. 2018 we ran 7 sold out games. 2019 we are expanding thanks to the generosity of Dickens Pub our venue and hope to offer 16 different games for EACH program, so 32 in total.
Check out the GM Profile series on Youtube to get to know them and hear abit more about the games they are running! RPG Alliance Con
The Deadline for Games Masters to submit their Game Entry is July 15, 2019. Please click on the SUBMIT EVENT BUTTON on the right page menu, to fill out the submission form for the game you want to run. Game Masters receive a free thank you GAME MASTER BADGE, this allows you to run your game in one program, then be a player in the other, BEST of BOTH worlds! You can also runs games for BOTH programs (Morning and Afternoon), if you like to go hard core! The choice is yours.
Online BADGES: BE AWARE that because of Tabletop Events' policy the Badge price is $7.45 USD (equivalent to $10 CAD at the time of this posting), and they charge 2.5% +.99 cents per badge and 3.5% per credit card transaction (approximately $13.32 CAD). The advantage to the online purchase is that you will be able to book ticket($0) to reserve a seat at the game events you want to play. You MUST have a badge in order to book game event tickets or to buy merchandise.
Badges at the Door: Will cost $15 CAD and will need to be paid in cash please.
SCHEDULE: Sunday, October 20, 2019
10:30 AM - Doors Open, Please NO outside Drinks or Food. Game Masters set up and Player CHECK IN!
11:00 AM- 1:00 PM: MORNING GAME TIME! First 2 hrs of morning play, then a 30 min break 1PM to 1:30 PM with Door prize draw #1.
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM:Second 2 hrs of morning play.
3:30 PM to 4PM: Table Switch Over to the Afternoon Games. Door Prize Draw #2.
4:00 PM - 8:30 PM AFTERNOON GAME TIME! First 2 hrs of afternoon play, then a 30 min break 6PM to 6:30 PM with Door prize draw #3.
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM: Second 2 hrs of afternoon play. Ends with Door Prize Draw #4 and wrap up!
Games may run longer at the GM's discretion, Dickens is open until 11:00 PM so "Game ON"!
**Safe Space rules for everyone: No abusive behavior. If there is a conflict between players then the Game Master will arbitrate, if there is a conflict with the Game Master, then the Organizer will arbitrate. A Safe Space is a place where anyone can relax and be able to fully express, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe on account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, religious affiliation, age, or physical or mental ability. A place where the rules guard each person’s self-respect and dignity and strongly encourage everyone to respect others.
CODE of CONDUCT: (Borrowed from the Adventurers League)
All Participants are here to have fun and should ALWAYS feel safe and included. All participants (Players, Game Masters, and Organizers) are expected to adhere to the following Code of Conduct.
– Participants must conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to the enjoyment and safety of others at the event. – Avoid excessively vulgar, sexual, or overly mature language and themes. – Follow the GMs lead, avoid arguing with the GM or other players over rules. – Let other players speak, avoid talking over others. – Avoid excessive cross-talk that is not relevant to the adventure being played. – Allow other players to get attention from the GM. – Discourage others from using social media to bully, shame, or intimidate other participants. – Avoid phone conversations at the table. – If you must take a call, please excuse yourself from the table until your call is completed. – No tolerance is given for theft or aggressive behavior. – Theft and aggressive behavior are grounds for immediate removal from the play area and the premises. – Aggressive behavior includes threats of or actual physical aggression, using racial, gender, or cultural slurs against another participant, and otherwise harassing other participants.
**WHAT TO DO? Participants who feel as though they are in an unsafe environment should notify the organizer of the event immediately. Participants noticing disruptive behavior should make those responsible for the behavior aware of their actions. If a participant feels uncomfortable bringing it to the attention of the disruptive individual, the participant should notify the Game Master or Organizer of the event immediately. The Game Master has the right to ask a disruptive player to leave the table and speak with the organizer. The Organizer has the right to remove a disruptive or aggressive player or Game Master from the play area or premises or meet up group.
An X-card is a tool that helps maintain a safe environment at the gaming table. Roleplaying games can be very improvisational and adventures can vary widely in content. It can be impossible to predict when uncomfortable content might come up.
An X-card is a tool to keep the content at the table safe for everyone. It is a card in the middle of the table with an X on it. Should someone feel uncomfortable at anytime, they can tap the X-card. The event host and other players will change the content, dial it back, or skip the scene.
RPGA-con endorses and uses the X-Card as part of our plan to create a safe and inclusive environment for gamers.
The X-Card was designed by John Stavropoulos and more information about it can be found at X-Card by John Stavropoulos
Calgary AB
1000 9 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2Y6, Canada
(403) 233-7550
Home of Gamer Sundays!
Dickens - 9th & 9th SW - Calgary, AB