Thank you for your interest in running events at the annual Midwinter Gaming Convention. Without amazing GM’s such as yourself, our show would not succeed. You bring so much to the table and we want to say “thank you” for all the hard work you put into your events. Below are a few questions that come up each year. If you need an answer to something not addressed below, please contact us at and we’ll get it added to the list!
We're seeking Game Masters (GMs) to run events. A minimum 8 hours of events is required to earn a GM Badge, those events may be a combination of times/days/event types. The deadline to submit events is January 7th, contingent on space, events submitted prior to October 31st will receive priority.
Do NOT purchase your badge, one will be created for you when you reach the minimum required hours. Badges are not mailed in advance and may be picked up at Convention Registration on the 5th Floor of the Hilton. GM Badges are not redeemable for credit towards previously purchased badges, and cannot be used to receive a discount on VIP Badges.
8 hours = Four Day Badge.
12 hours = Four Day Badge, Exclusive Midwinter Enamel Pin, and discount on pre-ordered convention t-shirts (Discount code TBA when Merch Sales open). These GMs will also receive a Midwinter Stadium Cup good for discounted beverages at Concessions.
16 hours = All of the above and some special GM Swag! GMs submitting 16 or more hours of events PRIOR to Sunday, November 14th will also receive a $10 Certificate good for Concessions.
Additionally, all GMs will earn extra entries into our Daily Drawings: GMs running 8-15 hours of events receive one extra entry each day, GMs running 16 or more hours of events receive two extra entries each day.
As a GM for any type of event you agree to run within the time you have requested, INCLUDING set up and tear down, tidy your event space before you leave and to vacate it in advance of the next event so they may set up.
Midwinter allows individuals, organizations, and business to submit events at an added cost to our guests, with the following rules in place: