All games that are part of the Play to Win program are added to our Game Library and designated as "PTW" – however, a majority of these games do not typically appear in the library until several days before the event as this is when we receive many of them from the publishers.
Any convention attendee can check out a Play to Win Game for their group to play. Simply check the game out from the library, play the game, and then return the game. Each person who plays the game will receive one entry to win the game at the end of the convention. As long as you have a paid badge, you are eligible to win! (See below for details.)
Any paid badge is eligible to win a Play to Win game. that Age 8 & Under badges are not eligible to win these games, but they are still welcome to participate as players along with at least one eligible paid badge. Of course, Exhibitor/Sponsor badges and comp'd Staff/Volunteer badges are likewise ineligible to win; all Volunteers will instead receive entries (one entry per hour worked) into an exclusive drawing for games, gift cards, and merchandise.
When you check the game back in after play, the library attendant will scan the badges (or type in the badge numbers) of each player who participated in the gameplay. Simply provide the badges or badge numbers of all players and they will each be entered to win!
You can play as many games as you like, but you only get one entry per checkout. If you play multiple times, you still only get one entry per checkout. The goal is to let as many people as possible play these games and have an opportunity to win them, so back-to-back checkouts or hoarding of Play to Win games is not allowed.
We assume that all groups will play short games a similar number of times, and so everyone will get one entry per checkout. In cases like this, please keep the game for a reasonable amount of time and then check it back in so others have an opportunity to play it as well.
No, the game must go back into circulation to let everyone have an opportunity to play it. We want as many groups as possible to have the opportunity to play any given game, especially the ones we'll be giving away.
Please do not do this. This is game hoarding, and it prevents others from enjoying the games you have checked out but are not currently playing. We want all games to remain actively "in play" as much as possible, and we want to allow all attendees a fair chance at winning our Play to Win games. Checking out games for significantly longer than it should take to learn and play the game is also not allowed, and we reserve the right to disallow entries for any group doing this intentionally.
We will not allow personal copies to generate Play to Win entries. Library copies of Play to Win games do not automatically generate Play to Win entries due to the way the system is programmed.
Each badged individual can win one game from Play to Win. However, we will give away all Play to Win titles at the end of the convention, so we reserve the right to determine a fair way to give away any games which have either not been played. Likewise, if only one person has played several different Play to Win games, that badge holder (as the sole entrant) may be chosen as the winner for multiple games. Again, we reserve the right to determine a fair way to select any winner(s) in a way that does right by our generous donating publishers.
We will be using a computer to determine winners. Each Play to Win game will have a random winner chosen. Once chosen, an individual winner will be ineligible for further prizes from Play to Win. However, as mentioned above, if there are no alternative winners for a particular game because of limited entries, we reserve the right to select a repeat winner in a way that is most fair to the entrants and our generous donating publishers.
Play to Win games are given away on Sunday, as soon as the logistics of re-packing and choosing winners for these games have been completed. Winners will be announced and a written list will be posted for anyone not present at the time of the announcement. Games can be picked up during a reasonable window of time before the convention ends.
You can give your badge to a friend, and they can pick up your game for you. You don’t have to be present to pick up the game, but your badge does.
We will make a valiant effort to give all winners a chance to pick up their games. After game pickup has passed, we will give out any remaining games via some other method (as determined by the Convention organizers to be fair to our Play to Win entrants, all other attendees, and our generous donating publishers).
All Play to Win games are graciously donated by the individual game publishers. A large portion of these games are procured for us by the good folks at Envoy (Double Exposure). We have little to no say in the exact games we receive; in some cases, we are specifically asked to put donated games in our Play to Win library, and in other cases a different use may be requested. When we are free to choose, we always strive to place games where we feel they will have the greatest impact on the enjoyment of our attendees.
Contact us and we'll be happy to help!