A Gamicon Bromine Clue Mystery
Details to come. Search for clues and return your solution to the info desk area before 9 pm on Saturday.
Prizes for all correct answers. Grand prize will be drawn from all correct
answers and will be announced at closing ceremonies on Sunday.
Must be present to win.
- Wear your badge ribbon.
- Do not interrupt other games to interview a player.
- Do not interrupt a suspect in their duties.
- Keep your clues secure.
- Do not look at another player's clues without their permission.
- As you find clues, make notes on your investigation grid.
How to find clues:
- Pick up a player packet at registration
- Look in your packet: You have three clues in your hands, Marcus.
- Find posters: There is a poster where each of the catnappings took place telling something about that crine.
- Interrogate suspects: Each suspect has one statement to aid your investigation.
Interview other players: There are three ways to do this.
- Alliance – You sign their report form, and they sign yours (Legibly). And you each share all three of the clues in your packet. If you win the game, everyone who has allied with you wins too. (And you will have to publicly thank them by name if you receive the grand prize.)
- Hostile Interview – You and the other player compete in a round of “Karloff, Malaria, Canal” which is played like Rock Paper Scissors but with the following changes. Boris Karloff (the closed fist) scares off Malaria. Malaria (the flat hand) slows work on the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal (two fingers) drowns Boris Karloff. The loser must show the winner one clue from their packet. If there is a second round, the loser must show a different clue.
- Negotiation: Any reasonable accommodation for the exchange of clues that you and the other player can agree to.
How to win:
When you have solved all 4 mysteries, fill in your final report form and turn it in at registration, no later
than the close of registration on Saturday.
At the end of the game, everyone who has turned in a fully complete and accurate report will win. All
correct reports will be entered in a drawing for the grand prize, which will be presented at Closing
Ceremonies. In the event no one submits a fully accurate final report, the most complete and accurate
report will win.