Friends Across the Board 2025

Is there a hotel block/group rate?

There is not a special group rate but the hotel has reserved a block of rooms for our attendees. Tell them you are attending this event to be able to get one of those rooms!

Will there be vendors?

Our inaugural event is fairly limited in space so we won't have vendors. However, like with all other elements of the show, please make sure to watch for our post-event survey and let us know how we can make Friends Across the Board 2026 even better!

Will there be game demos?

We will not have vendors so there won't be formal, scheduled game demos. However there should be a few hundred games brought for the community game library that you can check out! There will also be the Play-to-Win table of games to try.

What about single-day passes?

We decided to keep the badge options simple for our first year and stick with a single type of badge. As the event continues to grow and evolve we may offer single-day passes in the future, but not for this year.

Is there a game library?

We will have tables around the perimeter of the ballroom where attendees can bring games to share with others as a sort of communal game library. Please make sure any games you bring to share are labeled with your name and contact information! We won't have a ton of space so we are asking people to only bring a few games for the shared library. There is a boargamegeek list for people to list the games they plan to bring so you can see what will be available to play!