FLAG Con 2024

Flesh and Blood Super Armory (Blitz Preconstructed)

Players will compete for exclusive Armory prizes, while enjoying a welcoming environment that emphasizes learning and competition. You may choose any Blitz or First Strike preconstructed deck to enter the tournament with. Awesome promos available, plus 800tx for participation & 300tx per win! GEM account required.

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Event Number 249
Event Type {{event.properties.type.name}}
Age Range {{ event.properties._options._age_range[event.properties.age_range] }}
Time Zone America/New_York (UTC {{ '2024-11-09 23:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/New_York' }})
Special Event Designation
More Information https://cantripcards.com/products/superflagfab
{{ attendee.name }} Champion Icon
Has Special Requests
{{ request }}
Email Notification for Tickets List {{event.properties.wait_count}} will be notified by email of available tickets


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A Super Armory Flesh and Blood Blitz Preconstructed event is a special, community-focused tournament designed for accessibility and fun. Players use Blitz-format preconstructed decks, making it easy to jump in without needing to build a custom deck. The Blitz format features shorter games, smaller decks, and quick decision-making, perfect for both newcomers and experienced players looking for fast, strategic gameplay. At a Super Armory event, players compete for exclusive Armory prizes, while enjoying a welcoming environment that emphasizes learning, competition, and camaraderie.

Players may choose any Blitz or First Strike preconstructed deck, whether bought at the Cantrip booth, brought from home, or provided as part of the convention leagues. You will battle against 4 different opponents in swiss rounds and earn tickets for each win. Rounds are timed at 40min.

[Prizing: 800tx for participation plus 300tx per win | Promos: Blaze Firemind for participation, Driftwood Quiver for top 4]

GEM: Players need a GEM account to participate in Super Armory. We will use GEM to handle pairings and determine placements.