FallCon 34
This is an online convention. Times are in your Helper Time Zone,local to you in {{ use_tz }} (UTC {{ '2021-09-25 16:00:00' | timezone_offset: use_tz }})

Schedule of Events

Event Types: {{ types.get_object( type_id ).properties.name }}
Days: {{ days.get_object( day_id ).properties.name }}
Start Day Parts: {{ dayparts.get_object( part_id ).properties.name }}
Number Name   Event Type Starts Duration Available Room Space Hosts Age Range Price Special Tournament {{label}}
{{hit.event_number}} {{hit.name}} More info {{hit.eventtype_name}} {{ hit.start_date | amDateFormat: start_format }} {{hit.duration_name}} Reserved {{hit.remaining_tickets}}/{{hit.max_tickets}} Cancelled {{hit.room_name}} {{hit.space_name}} {{name}}{{ $last ? '' : ', ' }} {{hit.age_range_name}} {{ hit.price | currency }} {{ deserialize_json_array( hit.eventgroup_name ) }} {{ hit.is_tournament == 1 ? 'Yes' : '' }} {{ get_custom_field_data( hit, label ) }}
No events scheduled yet.
{{ results.nbHits }} total results
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