FallCon 31


FallCon is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization that has presented an annual board game convention in Calgary in the Fall for the past 30 years. What began as a yearly weekend of playing board games has expanded, in attendance and the number of events we host.

FallCon’s prime focus is providing you with a unique opportunity to experience a wide range of organized, well-run moderated events.


FallCon 365 is our meetup initiative that presents free board game events open to the public, to promote board gaming in Calgary throughout the year.

Our secondary focus is creating a friendly and inviting convention.

Our Convention

We encourage people to bring their friends and family for a weekend of boardgaming at FallCon, celebrating the best of unplugged gaming.
We welcome beginners to join us, learn some new games and develop new (or renew) gaming friendships that you can connect with throughout the year.

We recognize that there exists an abundance of games in the marketplace but in keeping with what makes us unique, we narrow the selection to those titles that are:

The variety ranges from “out of print” classics to the “latest and greatest” boardgames and miniature systems. Some are complex but most are easy for anyone to play.

Are you game?