RSVP LINK: Please indicate your attendance and if you plan to purchase a plate for dining with us.
Greetings beloved friends, that time has come and our annual celebration nears!
This year our Annual Baldman Banquet & Awards event is open to ALL who attend Winter Fantasy (and to every HG member who cannot make it via Discord, more details to follow on where to tune in for livestream and find recordings)
- Dinner will be provided to those who signup in advance at a cost of $20 per plate. Signups will be available on-site and more information on the menu offerings will be available at that time as well.
- As we are expanding the event to 2 HOURS this year, we're looking to make it a bit more of a significant event.
- As such, we invite everyone to pack a nice outfit so that we can don our finest for this celebration of our best and brightest!
(With the understanding that "fancy" clothes are subjective to each person. Ginny is planning to rock a gold gown, for instance, but your finest BMG shirt is also perfectly fine if that's what you've got! )
If you have any questions, please let us know! Looking forward to seeing you soon!