Time zone: America/New_York (UTC {{ '2025-04-11 12:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/New_York' }})

Available Volunteer Shifts

You have requested all available shifts. Visit My Shifts to see their status.

No available shifts.

Name / Description Type Day Start End Room Volunteers Needed
{{ shift.properties.name }}
{{ shift.properties.description }}
{{ shift.properties.shifttype.name }} {{ shift.properties.conventionday.name }}
({{ shift.properties.start_time | datetimezone: 'America/New_York':'ddd MMM D' }})
{{ shift.properties.start_time | datetimezone: use_tz : clock_format }} {{ shift.properties.end_time | datetimezone: use_tz : clock_format }} {{ shift.properties.room.name }} {{ shift.properties.quantity_of_volunteers - shift.properties.volunteers_scheduled_count }}
Note that if you volunteer, your available shifts might differ from the list presented here.
Apply to Volunteer