Precognition Virtual Convention - All Attendees Terms & Conditions
By purchasing a pass or attending Precognition, you agree to the following terms:
Participant Status:
- You must be 18 or older to participate
- Registration does not guarantee event placement
Behavior Standards:
- Maintain respectful behavior toward GMs and fellow players
- Follow your GM's table guidelines
- Keep all content safe-for-work
- No harassment or discriminatory behavior
- No discussion of real-world politics
- No confrontational behavior toward convention attendees or staff
- No disruptive behavior or trolling
- GMs have authority to remove players from a session at any time for behavior in violation of these terms or any other actions reasonably deemed inappropriate or disruptive at GM's discretion
Technical Requirements:
- Working microphone required
- Stable internet connection needed
- Discord account required
- Additional platform requirements may vary by event
- Arrive on time for your scheduled events
- Be properly prepared to play for every session
- Make sure you are in a reasonably distraction-free environment
- Notify organizers of any cancellations
- No-showing may result in loss of registration privileges
- No recording of sessions without explicit permission
- Respect the privacy of other participants
Access Revocation: Precognition reserves the right to revoke event access for violations of these terms or for any other behavior deemed disrespectful or untoward by the convention staff.
Refund Policy: Precognition is under no obligation to provide full or partial reimbursement of convention fees. Refunds may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Modification: These terms may be modified at any time. Continued participation indicates acceptance of updated terms.
By purchasing a pass for Precognition, you confirm you have read and agree to these terms.