Mythic Con Charlotte 2025

GameMaster Event Submission Guidelines

THANK YOU for committing to host a game or event at MythicCon 2025! MythicCon would not exist if it weren't for incredible volunteer GMs like YOU!


Changes to events must be submitted no later than the event submission deadline of Friday, November 7th, 2025. If you need to cancel your submission after that date, please email, however, changes after the deadline are discouraged.

GameMaster Perks

GMs who commit to at least 12 hours of game sessions during the convention get FREE ADMISSION to MythicCon and a special GameMaster badge with access to early game ticket registration. Part-time GameMasters receive a discount on their badge, but do not have access to early game ticket registration.

Full-time GameMasters (12+ hours)

Do not purchase a badge. A gaming coordinator will issue you a badge once your event submissions have been accepted. If you have already purchased a badge, please email for a refund.

Part-time GameMasters (<12 hours)

If you want to run a game or two, but are unsure whether you can commit to running 12 or more hours, you MUST purchase a Mythic Con Full Access badge.

Email when you have submitted all of your games to receive a partial refund based on the number of games you submitted:

Note: Transaction fees charged by are not refunded.

GM Event Submission Guidelines

GMs have the option to run events as a bystander or play in their own event. When creating your event, please remember to select the "Will event hosts also play the game?" option applicable to your preference. If you opted to leave all slots open for players and your event sells out, you will be required to participate as a GM only.

Note: Selecting this option reduces the overall number of tickets available by one to account for the GM also participating in the game. Only select this if you know you will be a player in your event.

Please include as much information about your event as possible. Please try to include:

Standard Event Schedule

  1. Friday 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
  2. Friday 8:00 PM – 12:00 PM
  3. Saturday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  4. Saturday 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  5. Saturday 8:00 PM – Midnight
  6. Sunday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
  7. Sunday 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM

MythicCon GM Code of Conduct

The primary focus of this convention is to: have fun, try new things, learn, share, grow, and play. Please help your players feel welcome, be safe, and have fun!

As a GM, you agree to abide by the following rules:

Feel free to bring any disputes to gaming registration.

Ready to submit your games? Click here to begin!