Murder Hobo Con 5 - Virtual Convention

Murder Hobo Con 5 - Virtual Convention

Murder Hobo Con 5

The time has come for Murder Hobo Con 5, our virtual convention is now set for the day after Valentine's 2025! We are still in the preliminary stages but we anticipate this introduction to be complete by November 1st. Please return often to make sure of updates as they occur!

This will again be a single day event and will be just as fun filled as our prior efforts. Our convention is a charity event and the recipient will be the American Cancer Society. In the past, we've had a variety of games throughout the day from a variety of different systems and we are looking to expand for this event as well! The field will be crowded, but the entertainment will be plentiful.

We are looking for some DM/GMs out there who can run some events as well as participants to enjoy the games. Last year we had an amazing turnout and are looking to build upon it this year!


Historically speaking, we've provided a full day of gaming for just an entry cost. That's right, one payment and you can enjoy as many events that you can sign up for! We will be offering multiple events on different venues throughout the day (9am-10pm).


We are again mulling using a 'virtual venue' but the feedback indicates that it wasn't really a necessity. You are completely allowed to use a platform you are familiar with be it Zoom, Discord, or whatever again. We want you to be comfortable and in your zone when you deliver entertaining scenarios. If you need help with this, we will be more than happy to help you out as we've run across some interesting options!


Last time this worked so if it ain't broke, don't fix it. In lieu of space inside the convention, we're going to drop the price and go with signage only. These will be link-able to your website or contact information. The size for jpg items should be 175x95 pixels and while this seems small, it will be large within our venue!


We have convention merchandise available at our podcast store including shirts, bags, and a variety of other items! is the address!

Folks if you have any questions at all our contact points are below!



Badges Closed Tickets Closed


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Convention Held On-Line

This is an online convention. Times are in your Helper Time Zone,local to you in {{ use_tz }} (UTC {{ '2025-02-15 14:00:00' | timezone_offset: use_tz }}), unless otherwise noted.