Junior Gamers WE NEED YOUR HELP!
We need a new design for our 2026 t-shirts and enamel pins, and we're just plain out of ideas!
We need to borrow YOUR creativity to make our swag for 2026 extra special!
If you're a Junior Gamer under the age of 12, we're looking for an awesome cool design straight from your imagination. Your design can be anything you like, but it has to be original to YOU. This means no copyrighted images or things that are someone else's Intellectual Property (your Adult Gamers can help you out with this). We need one image that will work for both our t-shirts, and for our enamel pins.
Images may be submitted to DaydreamProductionsLLC@gmail.com and will be accepted through June 30th. Judging will take place in July and the winner will be revealed in August. 1st round of blind judging will be Midwinter Staff, 2nd round will be Midwinter Exhibitors, and the Final Two will go head to head for all Guests with Midwinter Addmission casting their vote.
The winner will receive fame and acclaim as the designer of the 2026 awesome artwork, as well as a T-shirt, Pin, Special Swag Bag, AND a Four Pack of Four Day Badges to the show!
There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit, but only one piece per artist will be considered for voting. Be sure to get them in by June 30th. Don't forget the email address is DaydreamProductionsLLC@gmail.com.
Happy Creating, we can't wait to see what you submit!