Midwinter Gaming Convention 2026

Midwinter GM Information & Perks

If you are considering submitting events DO NOT purchase your admission. GM's will be able to register for events beginning October 19th at 10 AM CST along with all other admission types.

Please do NOT use the "spaces" field when submitting events. A space is not universally defined and is different for every game type (LARP vs Board Game vs Miniature etc...). This is not a feature we are able to disable in TTEs.

Thank you for your interest in running events at the annual Midwinter Gaming Convention. Without amazing GM’s such as yourself, our show would not succeed. You bring so much to the table and we want to say “thank you” for all the hard work you put into your events.

Events with NO Additional Cost to Guests

We're seeking Game Masters (GMs) to run events. A minimum 8 hours of events is required to earn a GM Pass, those events may be a combination of times/days/event types. The deadline to submit events is December 8th at 7pm CST, contingent on space, events submitted prior to September 30th will receive priority.

Do NOT purchase your pass, one will be created for you when you reach the minimum required hours. Admission is not mailed in advance and may be picked up at Convention Registration at The Ingleside. GM Admission is not redeemable for credit towards previously purchased passes, and cannot be used to receive a discount on Jump the Line Packages.

GM Badges include Convention Admission ONLY, Waterpark passes are purchased separately through The Ingleside

8+ hours = Full Convention Admission.

12+ hours = Full Convention Admission, Midwinter Enamel Pin, and $10 discount on convention t-shirts purchased at Convention Registration on-site.

16+ hours = All of the above and some special GM Swag! GM Swag is available to be picked up Saturday, January 10th from 3pm-8pm, & Sunday, January 11th from 8am-2pm.

20+ Hours for *Champion GMs Only = Everything already mentioned, as well as breakfast on Friday and Saturday of the show (Both meals will be buffet style, 7am-8:30am), and Early Event Registration beginning 10/5/25) GMs who do not qualify as a Champion GM may submit as many hours as they like, but will cap out at the 16 hour perks.

*Champion GMs ran a minimum of 8 hours of events at the previous year's convention and did not make any cancellations to their event schedule within one week of the convention (i.e. a GM who ran at least 8 hours of events at Midwinter 2025 will QUALIFY as a Champion GM so long as they fulfilled their event schedule as posted in TableTop.Events.com and did not submit any events for cancellation on or after 1/3/25. To EARN Champion GM status they submit 20+ hours of events for the 2026 show). Champion GM status must be maintained each year and will be determined each January after the current year's convention. GMs who do not qualify as a Champion GM may submit as many hours as they like, but will cap out at the 16 hour perks.

All GMs will earn extra entries into our Daily Drawings: GMs running 8-15 hours of events receive one extra entry each day, GMs running 16 or more hours of events receive two extra entries each day.

What if I need a helper for my events (not LARP or Tournament)?

If your event is not a LARP or large Tournament style event, you may split your GM hours to earn additional GM admissions. This will reduce your total number of hours for perks. For example, if you have submitted 20 hours of events, but have a helper, you may gift them 8 of your hours and in return you would have 12 remaining. You would qualify for the 12 hour perks. LARPs and Tournaments should contact Midwinter directly if accomodations for additional GMs are needed.

What if I want to Charge for My Events?

Midwinter allows individuals, organizations, and business to submit events at an added cost to our guests, with the following rules in place:

Submitting events with an additional cost will forfeit the GM(s) from qualifying for the GM perks listed above, including the complimentary GM Badge.

Midwinter will not take a percentage of ticket sales for such events, but the collection of funds and any necessary financial reporting is entirely on the GM(s).

Events with additional cost should be submitted with a $ in the title. Example: Super Awesome Event ($).

Events with addtional cost should note the amount per event in the description. Example: The Super Awesome Event will be $10 per person.

GM(s) wishing to submit events with an additional cost are subject to the same IP rules as our Exhibit Hall. Fan Material may not be offered at an additional cost unless rights to the IP in question have been obtained, or the subject is free of copywright law.

GM Admission is not redeemable for credit towards previously purchased passes, and cannot be used to receive a discount on Jump the Line Packages.
