A Kentucky Colonel has fallen on hard times, and he aims to make is fortune back in the small town of Berea. It’s time to pay the Devil her due. The Runners need to keep him from running folks out.
Part of out Living Campaign, Shadowrun Missions. Please bring a Missions Legal character. If you do not have one, pre-generated characters will be provided
Event Number | 20 |
Event Type | {{event.properties.type.name}} |
Age Range | {{ event.properties._options._age_range[event.properties.age_range] }} |
Maximum Tickets | 6 |
Cost | $0.00 |
Time Zone | America/New_York (UTC {{ '2024-04-20 00:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/New_York' }}) |
Where & When (local to convention) |
{{ '2024-04-20 00:00:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
to {{ '2024-04-20 03:50:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
LR 06 in Lehigh Room |
Special Event Designation | |
More Information | https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xbeogjl6ik4g9dlpiw8hs/Missions_SR6_Guide_v1.9.pdf?rlkey=rusytyhpob5zf5v0qrpr4cnhg&dl=0 |
Hosts | |
Attendees |
{{ attendee.name }}
![]() |
Has Special Requests |
{{ request }}
Email Notification for Tickets List | {{event.properties.wait_count}} will be notified by email of available tickets