COVID Guidance (In-Person ONLY)
As convention time is quickly approaching (~7 weeks) we’ve been faced with a discussion around COVID procedures. In order to ensure the safety of our attendees and organizers, we will be using the COVID policies adopted from other conventions below:
- All attendees who attend are encouraged to be fully-vaccinated to protect the gaming community.
- All attendees are encouraged to be fully masked at all times while navigating around in the convention space (while not at a table dining or gaming).
- A supply of extra masks will be available on site at the registration desk for those who need one, as well as hand pump sanitizer will be through the convention space.
Self-Screening Questions
Attendees should not attend the convention if:
- They test positive for COVID-19 within 10 days prior to the convention with an at-home test.
- They have a confirmed exposure to a COVID-19 case within 10 days prior to the convention.
- They experience new or worsening symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, fever, fatigue, headache, muscle or body ache, loss of taste or smell, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, or other symptoms associated with COVID-19 or other illnesses.
Other Risks
In order to ensure that our attendees can make informed choices about the risks of attending Impossible Realities in Sept 2022 please note the following:
- Impossible Realities in Sept 2022 will not be a socially distanced event and it is likely there will be crowded environments at the convention. However, we encourage social distancing whenever possible. The patron movement around this shared space is not within Impossible Realities control.
The following behaviours are not permitted at Impossible Realities 2022 and may result in loss of badge without refund or compensation and/or removal from the premises:
- Harassing another convention participant for wearing a mask or encouraging them to remove it when in one of the spaces where masks are required;
- Failing to cooperate with Impossible Realities staff who are enforcing convention policies, including COVID-19 policies; or
Removing someone else's mask.
Attendance Is At Participant's Own Risk
Although Impossible Realities is taking steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses at the convention, we cannot entirely eliminate that risk. All attendees and other participants of Impossible Realities 2022 agree they acknowledge this risk, and that they are attending the convention at their own risk with regard to COVID-19 infection. Participants agree not to hold Impossible Realities liable in the event that they contract COVID-19 or other illness during the convention.