HMGS-South Recon 2025

HMGS South reserves the right to revoke this badge at any time, without refunding an attendee's admission, and require them to leave the premises if so requested.

By entering upon the premises, I acknowledge the contagious nature of disease and voluntarily assume the risk, and agree to follow the instructions of the convention and hotel staff.

By entering upon the premises, I agree to Hold Harmless HMGS South, Inc., and its directors and agents for any harm caused to me through the contraction of any contagious disease or as a result of any treatment I may receive.

We are dedicated to providing a good experience for everyone regardless of race, age, disability, physical appearance, body size, sexual orientation, gender, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment in any form.

Alcohol consumption is reserved for specific areas as designated by the Hotel. Drunk and unruly behavior will not be tolerated.

I accept all risks for my attendance at Hurricon 2023.