HMGS Recon – Bolt Action 750 Armor Wars Icebreaker
Thursday, April 24th, 2o25
★ General Information:
- 22 players maximum
- 3rd Edition Bolt Action Rulebook, Armies of Germany and current FAQ and errata will be used. NOTE- Bolt Action Compendium units are not approved for tournament play. Armies of US will be TBD; likely due to timing it won’t be eligible to use this event.
- There will be 2-3 rounds each, lasting 1 hour. The Tournament Organizer will provide numerous time reminders and timeclock will be used.
- The deadline for registering and submitting lists is 12am Monday, April 14th, 2025. List must be emailed to
★ Tentative Schedule (Times Subject to Change):
- 6:00 – 6:30 - Check in with Tournament Organizer
- 6:30-7:30 - Round One
- 7:45 – 8:45 - Round Two
- 9:00 – 10:00 - Round Three (TBD)
- TBD - Awards
★Painting and Modeling
1.All models should have a minimum of three colors and 28mm scale and WYSIWYG.
★ Army List:
- Lists are a maximum of 750 points, no order dice limit or platoon limit. Bear in mind these are only 1-hour rounds.
- Lists must follow all force structure instructions as outlined on pages 182-183 in the main 3rd edition rulebook with one change – Tank Platoon replaces Rifle Platoon, only Tank Platoons may be taken, no other Platoons may be selected.
- Only the 3rd edition Bolt Action book, Armies of Germany and released minor nations PDFs are allowed.
- A copy of your list must be available for your opponent to access throughout the game.
★ Matchups:
- Round One player pairing will be random.
- From the second round, players will be paired using a Swiss system (i.e. matching players on the same amount of tournament points in descending order)
- In case of more than two players with the same number of tournament points, army points will be used as tiebreakers.
- When two players are matched to play again or play on the same table, the Tournament Organizer may use their discretion to reassign a match or table. This does not apply to the top table in the last round.
★ Scoring:
- Points will be awarded on the following basis:
- ■ 3 tournament points for a win
- ■ 2 tournament points for a draw
- ■ 1 tournament points for a loss
- Players must track total number of units killed for army points for tie breaker and pairings.
★ Winning the Tournament:
- The player with the most tournament points at the end of 2 or 3 rounds will be declared the winner.
- In the case of a tie, the player with the most army points will be declared the winner.
- In the case of ties in both tournament points and army points, the players will both be declared the winner and share the prize.
★ Scenarios:
- Keep count of how many turns have elapsed as the game is played. At the end of turn 6, roll a d6. On a result of 1, 2, or 3, the game ends. On the result of 4, 5, or 6, the game continues for one more turn.
- The Tournament Organizer will determine the scenarios for each round. Player packs will be provided at the event and will not be released prior.
- If the scenario calls d6 objective markers or other game related mechanics, the Tournament Organizer will make the roll. That roll will apply to all tables.
- Objectives are considered held if you have an infantry unit within 3 inches of the objective. They are contested if any enemy unit is within 3 inches of the objective. Objectives will remain under your control until the end of the game or until an enemy unit captures it back.
HMGS Recon – Bolt Action 750 Recon Patrol Tournament
Friday, April 26, 2o25
★ General Information:
- 22 players maximum
- 3rd Edition Bolt Action Rulebook, Armies of Germany and current FAQ and errata will be used. NOTE- Bolt Action Compendium units are not approved for tournament play. Armies of US will be TBD; likely due to timing it won’t be eligible to use this event.
- There will be 3 rounds each lasting 2 hours. The Tournament Organizer will provide numerous time reminders and timeclock will be used.
- The deadline for registering and submitting lists is 12am Monday, April 14th, 2025. List must be emailed to
★ Tentative Schedule (Times Subject to Change):
- 9-9:30 - Check in with Tournament Organizer
- 9:30-11:30 - Round One
- 11:30 – 12:30 - Lunch
- 12:30 – 2:30 - Round Two
- 2:30 – 3:00 - Break
- 3:00 – 5:00 - Round Three
- 5:30 - Awards
★ Painting and Modeling:
- All models should have a minimum of three colors and 28mm scale and WYSIWYG.
- Painting will use a standard painting rubric for painting scoring by independent judge(s):
- ■ All models are fully painted: 1 Point
- ■ All models are fully based: 1
- ■ Point Basic details such as unit markings, decals on tanks, simple wash or highlights: 1
- ■ Point Advanced details such as rank insignia, eyes, advanced shading 1
- ■ Point Really amazing work; advanced shading and weathering, freehand, creative customization, thematic bases, etc. 1 Point
- ■ Expect to get 3 of 5 points on average.
- ■ Judges will also provide a final “judges choice” if the score is tied for tiebreakers.
★Army List:
- Lists are a maximum of 750 points, no order dice limit and multiple platoons. No Artillery or Armored Platoons allowed. Transport units are allowed.
- Lists must follow all force structure instructions as outlined on pages 182-183 in the main 3rd edition rulebook
- Only the 3rd edition Bolt Action book, Armies of Germany and released minor nations PDFs are allowed. Armies of US is TBD, but likely will not be used due to release date.
- TO reserves the right to ask for revisions if necessary. My goal is to have a great open and fair competition, I want to see good army lists, not cut and paste WAAC lists. I don’t want to have to set further limits for future events to prevent legal, yet unbalanced lists that don’t promote sportsmanship or impacts the spirit of the game intent.
- A copy of your list must be available for your opponent to access throughout the game.
★ Matchups:
○ Round One player pairing will be random.
○ From the second round, players will be paired using a Swiss system (i.e. matching players on the same amount of tournament points in descending order)
○ In case of more than two players with the same number of tournament points, army points will be used as tiebreakers.
○ When two players are matched to play again or play on the same table, the Tournament Organizer may use their discretion to reassign a match or table. This does not apply to the top table in the last round.
★ Scoring:
- Points will be awarded on the following basis:
- ■ 3 tournament points for a win
- ■ 2 tournament points for a draw
- ■ 1 tournament points for a loss
- All missions will have a secondary objective for bonus points.
- Players should also keep track of how many enemy dice they destroy in the game. These results will be recorded as Army Points and used in tiebreakers.
★ Winning the Tournament:
- The player with the most tournament points at the end of 3 rounds will be declared the winner.
- In the case of a tie, the player with the most army points will be declared the winner.
- In the case of ties in both tournament points and army points, the players will both be declared the winner and share the prize.
★ Scenarios:
- Keep count of how many turns have elapsed as the game is played. At the end of turn 6, roll a d6. On a result of 1, 2, or 3, the game ends. On the result of 4, 5, or 6, the game continues for one more turn.
- The Tournament Organizer will determine the scenarios for each round. Player packs will be provided at the event and will not be released prior.
- If the scenario calls d6 objective markers or other game related mechanics, the Tournament Organizer will make the roll. That result will apply to all tables.
- Objectives are considered held if you have an infantry unit within 3 inches of the objective. They are contested if any enemy unit is within 3 inches of the objective. Objectives will remain under your control until the end of the game or until an enemy unit captures it back.
★ Special Event Guidelines:
- To deploy in a building at the start of the game, the building must be within your deployment zone.
- NOTE: Modified Rule - Objectives are controlled by friendly infantry and artillery units within 3” of the center of the objective. Vehicles contest but never control. Empty transports, medics and spotters can neither contest nor control objectives. Forward observers do both.
- In the Demolition or Hold Until Relived (and other select) missions, the objective is impassable.
- When announcing to your opponent your reserves / outflanking units, you must specify if a unit is loaded into a transport.
- Once the final 15-minute time is announced, DO NOT START ANOTHER TURN. When the time is over, finish the order dice in play and STOP – DO NOT DRAW ANOTHER DICE (This includes snap-to!).
- When a game time is called, but the turn was still in progress, treat it as if it were the end of a game turn: Any units which failed to come on from reserve or outflank are considered destroyed, and empty transports closer to the enemy than a friendly model are also considered destroyed (armored transports still get to take their leadership test).
- Infiltrators: No more than two infiltrating units may be set up within 12” of an opponent’s deployment zone board edge (to prevent a gamey player trying to block all first wave entry and win a game before it has started). All others infiltrating units must be more than 12” from the enemy’s deployment zone board edge.