Thursday - September 26th Bolt Action Charity Challenge 6pm Start 8:30pm End

16 players * General Information:* 2nd Edition Bolt Action Rulebook and current FAQ and errata will be used.

Turret Jam will not be used.

Random Deployment.

Tracked Vehicles only.

Last Tank Mobile – WINS!

Don't have a tank list? We will accept charity donations if you need a loaner! * Painting and Modeling*

All models should have a minimum of three colors and 28mm scale.

Proxies will be allowed with prior approval of the Tournament Organizer. The player will be required to ensure that their opponent clearly understands the proxied models.

Painting will be judged by independent judges selected by the TO.

Army List Lists are a maximum of 1,000 points. There is a 4-order dice limit and a single platoon only.

No requirement for +25pts for Command Tank cost.

No special named characters allowed.

All current Bolt Action books (with the exception of Korea) and official Warlord PDFs are valid.

A copy of your list must be available for your opponent to access throughout the game.