Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran, if you'd like to run an RPG at the Draconis Festival Online, we invite you to submit one - or even more!
Navigate the menus to Host > Submissions > New Submission, select Tabletop RPG from the menu, and fill out the form.
As always, the online festival will present a series of panels on a variety of themes relating to roleplaying games.
Navigate the menus to Host > Submissions > New Submission, select Panel from the menu, and fill out the form.
The panels will be live-streamed on our Twitch channel during the festival. After the festival, they will be posted on our YouTube channel.
Since we only have one Twitch channel, the number of panels we can host is limited. Therefore, we reserve the right to create the schedule of panels. If there are any times that you are not available, please indicate them in the form.
If you request a virtual kiosk, we greatly recommend that you host some activities there. This could be a one-shot adventure of your RPG, a trivia quiz, a knitting workshop, etc...
Navigate the menus to Host > Submissions > New Submission, select Kiosk Activity from the menu, and fill out the form.