FBC Game Con 2024

FBC Game Con 2024

FBC Game Con 2024

The Best Two Days of Boardgaming in Kansas!

April 12th & 13th, FREE EVENT!

NOTE: FBC Game Con 2024 is ABSOLUTELY FREE to attend (Despite the word "Buy" on the buttons to the right). We do not charge to register for badges or to sign up for event tickets!

To get started, click on the "Buy Badge" button to the right. Once you have your badge, you can sign up to attend scheduled events with the "Buy Tickets" button. You can even sign up to host scheduled events with the "Submit Events" button. Volunteer for one or more shifts to receive raffle tickets for a special volunteer-only raffle prize.


Celebrate the hobby of table top gaming! Whether you are a curious newcomer to the hobby or a seasoned gamer, this FREE, two-day event in Gardner, Kansas is a warm and welcoming venue to learn new games and play some old favorites.


Event Features

Door Prizes

Over 100 games to be given away!


Dozens of games and prizes to be won!

Scheduled Games

Sign up to learn new games, taught by enthusiastic event hosts!


Sign up to compete in a fun selection of tournaments!

Large Group Events

Sign up to learn and play large group games such as, Two Rooms and a Boom, and Blood on the Clocktower!

LIVE Auction! - Saturday, 2-4pm

Make sure to pick up your ticket for this event if you plan to bid on any lots of games.

T-Shirts, $25

A limited number of shirts will be available for purchase on site.


FBC Game Con relies on dozens of volunteers to maintain a welcoming and clean event space. We're looking for "Greeters" to help with check-in, "Gaming Liaisons" to help attendees to find games to play, "Librarians" to check games in and out, "Live Auction Volunteers" assist with the set up, administration, and cleanup of the Live Auction, "Rangers" & "Polish Plus" volunteers to keep the event spaces clean, and "Reset Crew" to help turn the event space around each night. Spots are also now available to help with setup the day before as "Thursday Setup Crew".

Sign Up to Volunteer

Volunteer Perks:

  • Extra tickets for raffles, PLUS an additional ticket for a volunteers-only raffle for each hour that you volunteer!


Badges Closed Tickets Closed

Merch Sales



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Time zone: America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2024-04-12 20:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})


Gardner, KS

Contact Us




Fellowship Bible Church

16900 S Waverly Rd, Gardner, KS 66030, USA

Time zone: America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2024-04-12 20:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})

  Driving Directions

  Web Site

  (913) 856-8454