A realtime 2 vs 2 spaceship 3d combat, where the entire game is played in the Star Trek Klingon language. You control the entire Klingon ship from the photon torpedos to the cloaking device, you even get to taunt your opponents in Klingon.
Event Number | 132 |
Event Type | {{event.properties.type.name}} |
Age Range | {{ event.properties._options._age_range[event.properties.age_range] }} |
Maximum Tickets | 4 |
Cost | $0.00 |
Time Zone | America/Edmonton (UTC {{ '2023-08-26 20:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Edmonton' }}) |
Where & When (local to convention) |
{{ '2023-08-26 20:00:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
to {{ '2023-08-26 21:50:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
PA-7 in Prototype Alley |
Special Event Designation | |
More Information | http://facebook.com/mayqel.vetlh |
Hosts | |
Attendees |
{{ attendee.name }}
Has Special Requests |
{{ request }}
Email Notification for Tickets List | {{event.properties.wait_count}} will be notified by email of available tickets