As a ConCrew Volunteer, you agree:
- To help create and foster a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere of mutual respect and support among other volunteers, attendees, venue staff, venue security, adhering to a high standard of behaviour as the Convention’s representative to the public
- To abide by the policies and procedures of the FallCon Gaming Society (see the Policies and Terms)
- To abide by the Volunteer Code of Conduct
- To prepare fully to perform your duties as ConCrew volunteer by participating in all necessary screening, orientation and training
- To fulfill all tasks, duties and time commitments as agreed, to the best of your ability
- To arrive sober at the start of your shift, refraining from alcohol or cannabis use and remaining sober while on duty
- To follow all public health recommendations concerning the risks of COVID-19 and follow all of FallCon Gaming Society’s risk mitigation protocols
As the Organizing Team of FallCon Gaming Society, we agree:
- To create and foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and support and recognize your contribution to the Convention
- To prepare ConCrew volunteers to perform their duties by providing orientation for all roles, including FallCon Game Host training in the FallCon Teaching Method, prior to the Convention
- To regularly communicate to the ConCrew regarding the FallCon Convention, policies, procedures and other FallCon Gaming Society events
- To provide support for attendee violations of the Convention Policies or Code of Conduct or ConCrew concerns
- To take appropriate action in cases of breach of ConCrew contract, FallCon Gaming Society or venue policies
- To consider appeals regarding your volunteer position or status in accordance with the Volunteer Appeal Process
- To assess all volunteer roles, duties, structures and responsibilities for efficacy on an ongoing basis
- To champion the best interests of the FallCon Gaming Society and its volunteers at all times