Evercon 2025

Evercon Code of Conduct

Badge Swapping:

Badges must always be worn and visible while in any of the convention designated areas. Allowing others to use your convention badge is stealing. If we discover anyone sharing badges the badges will be confiscated, you will be asked to leave the convention, there will be no refunds, and you will not be allowed to return the rest of the weekend or the following year.


Cosplay/costumes must adhere to the Evercon Cosplay Dress Code. Remember, Evercon is a family friendly event and Cosplay must reflect that as well. In short, all Cosplay must be tasteful and cover appropriate areas of the body. What is illegal outside the convention is still illegal at the convention. This is not a “what happens at Evercon stays at Evercon situation”. Props and weapons need to be checked by Evercon staff or volunteers before entering the facility to assure safety protocols are followed. Metal weapons, functioning firearms, or anything that fires a projectile is prohibited. Realistic weapon props may be approved, or safety tied by Evercon staff. When in doubt ask someone at Evercon Central.

General Behavior Expectations:

Evercon’s owners believe that everyone deserves a pleasant and enjoyable con experience without the threat of harassment or bullying. This applies to everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity/expression, religious affiliation, political affiliation, disability, physical appearance, body size, or any other identifying factor.


What Do We Consider Harassment or Bullying?:

• Deliberate intimidation (gaming “trash talk” that disparages another is not acceptable)

• Stalking

• Body or gender policing

• Verbal comments, writing or imagery that demonstrates harmful or oppressive intent toward a specific group or type of identity.

• Unwelcome photography or recording (always ask permission first)

• Inappropriate and unwelcome physical contact

• Inappropriate and unwelcome sexual attention

• Persistent disruption of talks or events

Response to Harassment or Bullying:

Anyone who experiences or is witness to harassment, as outlined above, is asked to report it to a non-involved Evercon owner (as identified by their lanyard that says “Evercon Owner”) immediately. Attendees who are asked to stop any behavior outlined above are expected to immediately comply. Exhibitors, volunteers, guests, and Evercon owners are also subject to this policy. Anyone who refuses to comply or commit repeat offenses are subject to removal from the convention without a refund.

A Culture of Respect

Evercon owners and volunteers have worked hard to develop a culture of respect and we continue to work toward that goal. Gaming is an inclusive hobby, and we ask that everyone be mutually accountable for maintaining the enjoyable convention atmosphere for us all.

Gate Keeping:

Everyone is allowed to play and enjoy whichever games they see fit. We do not tolerate gate keeping at Evercon. Regardless of a player’s skill level, experience, or any other factor they should be permitted to play whatever games they would like. The only exceptions to this are age restrictions and if a player violates our Harassment and Bullying Policies above.

Covid19 and Health Policies:

We are not interested in getting into the politics and personal beliefs of our attendees. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask to protect your health, we encourage you to do so. If, however, you do not feel it is necessary then you may refrain from masking. We do ask that everyone respects each other’s right to do what they feel is best for their wellbeing.

Hand sanitizer will be provided around the convention hall and sanitation wipes are available upon request.


Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the venue. If you need to smoke or vape, please do so outside of the convention center, away from the doors. Violation of this policy will result in immediate removal from the convention with no refund.


No outside alcohol is permitted at Evercon. Some alcoholic beverages can be purchased at the concessions stand but no other alcohol may be carried, consumed, purchased, or sold at Evercon.


Live weapons are prohibited at Evercon. Some weapon props are allowed as provided in the costume rules. Please make sure to have all prop weapons checked for safety measures at Evercon Central. (See costumes for weapons rules.)