This is a 10 team tournament, Swiss Paired Rounds with Best of 3 Matches, and Best of 5 for Championship – BADGER STATE GAMES EVENT. Entry fee is $120 per team, 60% of pool to 1st, 25% to 2nd, 15% to third. For questions and sign up Call or Email JohnnyCee Cards. (715) 843-9632, See rules below.
Event Number | 242 |
Event Type | {{}} |
Age Range | {{[] }} |
Time Zone | America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2018-01-06 17:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }}) |
Hosts | |
Attendees |
{{ }}
![]() |
Has Special Requests |
{{ request }}
Email Notification for Tickets List | {{}} will be notified by email of available tickets
1 - A Team must consist of 6 to 8 players. If more than 6 you must designate players and subs.
2 - Each team may have a manager, who is not part of the team roster and may not be a player.
3 - Swiss paired Rounds with Winners playing Winners and Losers playing Losers. There will be a maximum of 4 rounds, and after we have a clear split of scores we will cut to a Championship Round of 2 teams.
4 - Matches during rounds will be Best of 3. The Championship Round will be Best of 5.
5 - First map of a match will be designated by Host Venue and Role will be Random. After that, the losing team picks a Game Map from a Game Type that has not been played for next match and chooses Role.
6 - Game Types are Control, Assault, and Escort/Hybrid.
7 - Should a Best of 3 match end 1-1, or 0-0, due to map ties, teams will play a Control or Escort map designated by Host Venue for a tiebreaker.
8 - Finals will be Best of 5. Tiebreaker for the Finals will be a 6th Match on Oasis, or if Oasis has been used Lijiang Tower.
9 - A Team may request a pause in the presence of a technical issue only. If your team controls the lobby you must still request the pause to give the opposing team fair warning. You must wait to request a pause until an ongoing team fight is over. A team is allowed a maximum of 3 pauses per match, and play resumes if the technical issue is resolved.
Lijiang Tower
Temple of Anubis
Volskaya Industries
Escort / Hybrid
Route 66
Watchpoint Gibraltar
Kings Row
11 - One team captain must create a Custom Game Lobby and invite both their team and the opposing team’s captain. The lobby owner must modify lobby settings once you’re in the custom lobby by clicking “Settings” on the top right. Captains are responsible for insuring lobby settings are correct, even if the other team’s captain is the lobby owner. Change only the following lobby settings:
Standard: Competitive
Map Rotation: After A Game
Return to Lobby: After A Game
Game Mode Start: Immediately
Kill Cam: Disabled
Select the ‘NONE’ button on the top right corner
Set the map you are playing on to ON
Leave all Heroes to default settings
Hero Roster: Turn any banned heroes to OFF
12 - 60 % Of Entries Paid In Will go to 1st Place Team, 25% to 2nd, and 15% to 3rd. This is a Badger State Games Event, and Medals will be Awarded to Top 3 Teams.