
  1. All DragonFall badge holders are allowed to enter ONE submission into each of the 6 categories for FREE.  Additional submissions into the category are possible but advised against.  The idea here is to get a lot of participation from our attendees, not to have one category flooded with entries from one artist.  As this is a free perk for our Badge holders and convention goers, we hope you understand.  

  2. Each Category will have a Single Winner.

  3. The top 3 scoring entries overall, in each category-shall receive medals. Gold, Silver and Bronze

  4. The overall highest score will be the winner of the DragonFall Painting Competition, and in addition to the above, will receive the DragonFall Slayer Axe as a Grand Prize.

  5. Each Entrant is only available for one top 3 position, i.e. it is not possible to win any combination of the first, second and third prizes, the next runner-up winner will be awarded instead.

  6. In the event of any dispute, the sum liability of DragonFall, its sponsors and vendors, to any entrant shall be whatever the entrant paid to DragonFall for the painting competition. I.e. null, as this event is FREE.  

  7. All entries must be submitted in person, by the entrant, before 1PM on Saturday October 5th.  Entry registration will be at the glass case within the Vendor Hall. Entries can start to be dropped off as early as Friday afternoon.

  8. A DragonFall 3 Day Badge or Weekend Badge is required to submit entries.  Please note the word WEEKEND, day badges are not eligible.  The thought process is simple for this requirement, you must submit your entry on Friday or Saturday and winners are announced on Sunday.

  9. Entrants are responsible for the transportation of entries to and from the competition.  No storage space for transportation materials will be provided.  Entrants must pick up entries on Sunday, Oct. 6th by 5PM or risk the entry getting packed up and returned at next year’s DragonFall.

  10. Only one person may be listed and credited as the entrant on any of the joint effort entries.  While painters may work on original sculpts of conversions by other artists, and more than one artist may contribute to an entry if desired, there will be no co-credit given or division or duplication of prizes.  

  11. Entrants must remain available for judging, queries, and prize awards during the competition.  

  12. Entrants agree to provide all entries at their own risk to DragonFall, for the duration of the competition for the purposes of display, photography, and judging.  

  13. DragonFall has the rights to all images of the entries at our events, and your entry may be used in promotional materials for our Charity Convention in the future.  

  14. DragonFall accepts no responsibility for damage to or loss or entries during the competition.  

  15. Note about Army Submissions.  All Army Category Entries will be judged on Saturday evening.  To participate, please leave your army on the table of your last game with the owner's contact name and information.  Dioramas are highly encouraged, but please do not bring those large displays in UNTIL AFTER your last game.  Your Event judges will have additional information related to when your army will be judged and when you can pack up.  Event is locked on Saturday night, but we highly encourage you to take your army with you after judging.

All rules above are subject to change without notice.