Gamemaster Guidelines and Rules

The following rules must be read and agreed to by ANY Gamemaster that will be running an event at DEXLITE 2024. If you have submitted a game proposal to DEXLITE 2024, it is assumed that you have read and agree to these rules.

Function Space and Scheduling - Double Exposure provides you with space and time to run your game. We will work with you as much as we can to ensure that you have everything you need and that your game is running at an acceptable time. The earlier you get your proposal in to us, the more likely it is that you will get the time slot you want.

Starting Time - We expect that your game will start at the time that it is scheduled to start, and that you will show up and be present at the scheduled time. Note that if your game needs setup time, you must specify that in your proposal and we will provide that time PRIOR to the scheduled start time. Double Exposure provides free benefits to game masters for their PROMISE of running an approved game; in other words, we do not hold you responsible if you get zero attendance - after all, WE had approved your game and WE had decided that it was worth including in the schedule, so we do not blame you if you end up running absolutely nothing all convention long. All we ask is that you SHOW UP and are READY to run your games; failure to do so will make it much more difficult to have any future proposals accepted.

Player Memberships - We expect that you will check "tickets" prior to the beginning of the game to ensure that every player in your game has registered for the convention through TableTop Events. If our staff finds that you have allowed a player to play in your game without a badge, YOU will be held financially responsible for their membership.

Clean-Up - It is your responsibility to ensure that whatever space you use for your game is in the same state it was when you started using it. This includes garbage, linen, anything written on the dry-erase boards, etc.

Special Needs - If you have special needs for your game, and you give us advance notice, we'll try to work with you to make things work out.

Free Membership - Double Exposure will give you one free Complete Membership per 72 player-hours of planned GM time. Note that we are trusting you to be honest in your appraisal of the number of players your game can handle. A player-hour is defined as entertaining one player for one hour. So a 4-hour game which is planned for a maximum of 6 players will count as 24 player-hours towards your free Membership. If you have multiple Gamemasters working with you, we will negotiate the number of players who will actually be entertained by your game.

Registration of Gamemasters - We are generous in giving out free memberships to willing gamemasters. If you are submitting event on behalf of a group of gamemasters, EACH gamemaster MUST INDIVIDUALLY REGISTER through TableTop Events. Once your game proposal(s) have been accepted and player-hours counted, you will be given a GAMEMASTER REGISTRATION CODE which will enable you to claim a number of free memberships granted by acceptance of your proposal. ONLY PRE-REGISTERED FREE MEMBERSHIPS WILL BE ACCEPTED - If you have any issues, they need to be dealt with BEFORE the convention!

Hotel Rooms and Travel - It is the responsibility of GMs to arrange and pay for their own travel and lodging for the event.

Advertising - All games accepted at DEXLITE 2024 will receive promotion and advertising from Double Exposure in numerous forms. We will do our best to advertise your game(s), and in turn, we expect you to do your best to advertise your game AND DEXLITE 2024. All information you give us pertaining to your group and the game(s) you will be running will be used in advertising the convention.

DEXLITE 2024 Promotional Statement - Please include this statement on all game flyers and other advertisements, in type large enough to be read easily:

Running at DEXLITE 2024 Produced by Double Exposure, Inc. You must be registered member of DEXLITE 2024 to participate.

For more info: Double Exposure, Inc. P.O. Box 3594 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163

Double Exposure, Inc.

In Email or short ads, please use:

Running at DEXLITE 2024

Double Exposure, Inc.

Age Ratings - Double Exposure rates all of its games for suitability of our younger audience. Please try and give us an accurate rating on your game proposal. We reserve the right to revise your rating upward (we will never force you to accept children, but we may decide that we cannot allow children to play your event).

Damage - Property damage caused by GM negligence will be the responsibility of the individual GM or group. Failure to correct the problem through good-faith methods will result in a serious black mark on you and your team for future Double Exposure events.

Good Faith - GMs are expected to make a good faith effort to work within these policies. In recognition of the possibility of catastrophic events (fire, death, etc.) Double Exposure, Inc. and the Gamemasters agree to hold each other legally blameless for failure to deliver the agreed upon terms in the instance of such events. Note that a computer crash is NOT a natural disaster. Make backups early and often!