Family Day
Sunday, August 26
Coulee Con is family-friendly all weekend long, but Sunday is especially geared towards new gamers. We offer reduced badge prices, a special family pass, and a range of different kid-friendly events focused on families and promoting gaming.
Badge Prices
- $10 for families (2 adults & 4 children)
- $5 for individuals
Family Day badges are available at the venue only.
Special Events
- Cosplay contest - Dress up as your favorite character from a game, movie, book, or TV show for a chance to win prizes!
- Not one, but two Pokémon tournaments - information here and here
- Larger-than-life versions of tabletop games including
-- Hungry Hungry Hippos (here's a video from last year's event)
-- Coulee Tower (think Jenga, only bigger)
-- Big tic, tac, toe
-- And more!
More Info
For more information about Coulee Con, see the First-Timer Guide and the homepage.
For questions, please contact the coordinator.