Hostile RPG: The one where Joey goes to Blargon VII

When Joey's theater performance took his character Vic up in the futuristic marquee ladder to search for alternative fuels on Blargon VII, noone - the writers, actors, not even Gunther's god-cat, could have predicted that the DoD SDA would recruit his "friends" for space exploration on the spot. Space has a grittier side, but there's still perks, like good coffee in the ship's lounge. Will you discover how many layers there can be to negotiating a space fuel deal, like a good seven-layer trifle? This game uses the Hostile setting for the 2d6 Cepheus Engine RPG.

Event Number 357
Event Type {{}}
Age Range {{[] }}
Maximum Tickets 6
Cost $0.00
Time Zone America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2022-02-18 18:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})
Where & When (local to convention) Friday from {{ '2022-02-18 18:00:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }} to {{ '2022-02-18 21:50:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
STU-04-01 in Studio 04 (SNSO)
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Has Special Requests
{{ request }}
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