ChupacabraCon VI

Camdon Wright game writer and designer that loves to play pretend, tell stories, and share a gaming table with new people. He is the owner of the Colorado based gaming company Analog Letters. His first game, Madness and Desire, answers the never asked question; what would happen if you combined The Bachelor with Cthulhu horror? The Indie Game Developer’s Network (IGDN) chose Camdon as one the 2017 recipients of their prestigious scholarship to Metatopia, a game design festival. His work has been featured in the Pinnacle Entertainment Group publication, Savage Worlds Explorer. He is currently working on the tabletop RPG One Child’s Heart for publication in 2018. The game explores childhood trauma through the eyes of child welfare professionals. He lives in Westminster, Colorado with his wife, 2 kids, and a dog named Rockford. Rockford is a good dog.
